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Death swirled around me as I walked through the graveyard. My long black dress swirled behind me as I carried the white roses, wrapped up tightly in white paper close to my chest. I looked behind me to see if anyone was following me, but through the darkness, I could see no one. I passed by the stone graves, not pausing to look at the owner's stone. The bare trees, dead and cold, howled in the almost supernatural wind. So many graves I passed by, but not sparing a glance at a single one. My mournful blue eyes always stared downwards and ahead. The white roses in my hand trembled as I got farther, signalling to me that I was almost there. My bare feet made no sound on the cobblestone path. I stopped all of a sudden with nothing to signal it. At that moment, the wind stopped, the trees stopped whistling and the full moon came from behind a cloud. I turned towards the grave in front of me. August Maria Rose, Always will be dearly missed. I smiled softly. The wind returned, more powerful, and swept up my black dress as my black glove touched my grave.

Hello! This is the first Word Write I've ever written. I wrote it in May of last year (2016). They will get better as time goes on. 

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