Shot 2: Surprise Celebration

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A/N: hello to my silent readers ^^ I know you'll all be active. I'm giving an update!


Ps: sorry for the wrong spelling and grammars. I'm just using phone right now. This will soon be edited once i transfer to computer.



"Aren't you going to say anything?" I asked him as he looks so dazed.

"You already know what I'm supposed to say." He said. Yes I know, but what if, his mind changed?

"No I don't." I cupped his cheeks but he quickly removed my hands.

His phone rang and he quickly anwered it. "Yeoboseyo?"

He hanged up few seconds. "I need to get back inside, our manag-" and I abruptly cut him off.

"I'll see you tonight" and flashed a smile on him but he just turned his back and went out.


I decided to shop and buy a gift for Kris. It's our second monthsary and of course I won't let it pass like that. Tonight, I'll make him happy, prepare his favorite food, and give him a gift.

I went on the grocery first to buy the ingredients, and then proceeded on the mall to look for a gift. I haven't given him something to wear so I decided to enter a clothing store.

"Good afternoon ma'am, what are you looking for?" A sales lady went to assist me.

"Uhm do you have something like, sweatshirts?" I asked and she nodded. She asked me to follow her so I did.

We went up to the second floor of the store. Everything here looks even expensive and I know it will suit him.

"Here are our available sweatshirts" she pointed to my right. I took time to look but I didn't liked anything and I'm sure those weren't his style.

I looked around and saw another sweatshirt hanging but it was inside a glass. I don't know if it was for sale or not but I went closer to it.

It was a black leather type sweatshirt with few zippers on the front and white outlines. "I like this one" and pointed on it.

"Uhmmm I'm so-" before she finishes her words, I cut her off.

"I'll buy it." I smiled. "Right now" and added.

"But ma'am, I'm sorry but this one is not for sale" she said. I turned to look at her, my smil faded and my eyes furrowed.

"Not for sale or you were just thinking that I can't afford it?" I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Ma'am don't see it that way what I mean is-" I didn't let her finish again.

"I wanted to see your manager and let him fire you now." I even made my eyes look angrier.

"But ma'am-"

"Call your manager!!" I shouted on her and she took a step back almost wanted to cry and rushed downstairs to get their manager.

Few minutes after, she went back now with her manager.

"Excuse me ma'am, what seems to be the problem here?" He said calmly.

"Your stup-id staff here, won't let me have this" I placed my right hand on my waist while my left was pointing at the sweatshirt.

They both looked at the item and looked at each other. "So what? You guys are under-estimating me?" I was raising my voice again.

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