14 - Lies Appear

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For some reason it felt wrong to be in the car with Zach at first, but I eventually found myself pushing the feeling away and enjoying the ride.

The windows were all done and I can feel my hair flying in the wind.

Sooner than I realized it, Zach and I were holding hands, I could feel him lift my hand and kiss my knuckles that sent electricity through my body. I smiled as we pulled into the mall and put up the windows.

"Are you excited to get new stuff?" Zach said as I skipped my way to the entrance. "Yup!" I said as I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the doors. I immediately noticed the new shop open down the hall.

I was soon looking through the racks from clothes, through clothes. I felt a warm body press against mine and arms wrap around my waist. I smiled and turned around to be face to face with Zach. I swear, this couldn't have been better. Me, with the hottest guy in school, what could go wrong?

"Hey, so prom's coming up and we both need a date." He said with a smirk. I knew what was coming and I was planning going with Kyle. I soon realized I hated him and didn't want to go with someone who lied to me like him. I felt Zach kiss my neck softly, I giggled as I looked around embarrassed if anyone saw us kissing in  a store. He came up to be face to face with me again. "So you wanna go with me to prom?" He asked. I smiled and nodded as he leaned in for kiss. It was perfect.

Just as kissed,I felt a flash hit us, just as it flashed I thought someone saw us. I turned to see someone run to the other side. I let go of Zach and started running after the person wanting to know who would ever take a picture of me and a guy kissing. I saw him I was so close just as Zach stopped in front of the picture taker. I saw his face turn from excited to dread as he saw the face of him.

"Who is he?" I said between phants of breath. I saw him turn and was surprised by who I saw.

"Kyle?!" I screamed. I could feel eyes turn to the scene we were putting on. "But....why would you take a picture of us? Jealous?" I said as I put my hand on my hips as he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. I soon found his sadness turn to confidence. "Well, I was going to post this on Monday titled 'Slut stays with rapist'." He said. I was confused at first,but a second later I understood what he was saying.

" I hope you know idiot, you were the one who tried to 'rape' me." I protested back. I'm surprised that he was still trying and keeping his true face.

"Um......Jules, maybe we shouldn't call him an idiot...?" Zach said. I looked at him trying to signal 'Who's side are you on?' with my eyes, but he just looked down. I can that Kyle trying to convince me that he was right. Like I was going to believe him. I knew the truth, and Zach knew more....but I can tell when Kyle's serious, and he was. Which confused me like heck.

"Am I missing something?" I said. Looking at both of them as Kyle turned to leave just when Zach began to say something.

"Look, he's right, I lied. He took you home and I tried to sleep with you." He said as he turned to leave. Kyle flew his hands up and rolled his eyes at me as he continued walking in the opposite direction.

I felt a horrible feeling in my stomach. Twists and turns, butterflies, and rumbling all went through me. I felt my eyes burn as I found myself falling to the floor and crying into my hands.


Having no one to take you home wasn't fun. I had to take the stupid bus home. I was left alone in the back were thank the Lord no one sat down next to me. I was calming down from what happened earlier, Kyle and Zach. Why didn't I believe Kyle in the first place? He was my bestest friend here in California. I couldn't believe my stupidnest.

Suddenly I felt my hands shake rapidly. I felt like I couldn't breath. I tried to reach and call for help but I ended up falling to the floor. I desperately wanted to die. All I saw was darkness. I suddenly saw me in pain and someone watching me trying to tell me what to do but I couldn't figure it out. I didn't realize it then, but it came back.

But how?

Hey guys, been a while right? :) So I was thinking of deleting my other book I started writing but Idk >.< Please tell me in the comments! Baiiiiii! <33

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