Chapter 12 - Interlude - Harry's Outing

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Harry finished his porridge and watched as Draco finished his own breakfast. Harry could feel Draco's pleasure at the lightly spiced dish; the bond between them was strong and easy to feel. Truthfully, Harry hadn't expected the bond to strengthen as much as it had in response to their intercourse last night, even if it had been the last evening of the transition week. Perhaps it was because they had gone both ways? Or maybe it was because they had both derived equal pleasure from both giving and receiving, no matter the role they'd been in at the time. Or maybe it was just his weird luck. Whatever the reason, the bond was very strong and very solid; he was pleased and knew Draco was as well.

Draco eyed Harry as he ate the last of his breakfast. "I can tell you want to ask me something. So, ask," he said, curious as to why Harry was worried about whatever it was.

Harry smiled in amusement. "I see I'll never be able to get anything past you again." Turning serious, he asked, "Will you be all right if I leave for a couple hours to pick up a few things?"

Draco was somewhat confused as to why Harry was so worried about the question when he remembered he had nearly panicked the last time Harry had asked it. Surprised at the dramatically different reactions, Draco closed his eyes and felt the bond for a few moments. Opening his eyes, he smiled and said, "Yes. I'll be fine. The bond seems to have settled enough for a few hours absence."

"Good," Harry sighed in relief. He could feel the truth of Draco's words through the bond. "I was really starting to worry that I wouldn't be able to get everything in time."

"Where are you going?" Draco asked curiously.

"Tut, tut. I'm not telling you or it'll ruin the surprise. You'll find out in a couple hours," Harry answered, wagging his finger playfully in front of Draco.

Draco slapped the hand away equally playfully. "Fine, fine. I'll wait. I can figure out some of the things at any rate. It is Saturday, after all, and I've yet to see my robes" he said with a sniff.

"I don't doubt it," Harry replied dryly. After he dealt with the breakfast dishes, Harry went to the walk-in closet, grabbed some everyday robes, and got dressed. He watched as Draco went back to the settee and his most recent book: Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide by the Burton Goldberg Group. It was a couple years old but was quite comprehensive. And thick. It was over a thousand pages. Draco had been reading it since Thursday night and delighted in telling Harry about all the different theories about how to fix different problems. Harry just looked at the huge silver book in horror, completely incapable of imagining sticking his own nose into it. But he was glad that Draco liked it; seems the bookstore had chosen well when he had told them "varied and comprehensive." He'd have to remember them in the future if he wanted some muggle books.

Harry put on his boots and walked over to Draco and ran his hand over the white hair. The two shared a smile and Harry left the room, intent on talking to Salazar. He figured the painting already knew what he was going to ask. Harry walked through the hallway and the double doors, coming to stand a few feet in front of the painting.

"Good morning, Harry. Things went well, yes?" Salazar asked with a small smirk.

"As if you don't already know," Harry snorted wryly. "But, yes, things did go well. I've not been able to get out, however, to acquire appropriate attire nor a suitable gift. I'd like to go back a week; I've got an idea of what I want to do but it will take quite some time to complete. May I have your permission to use the time-turner?"

"What do you want to do?" Salazar asked his student curiously. He knew already that he would give permission – he'd spoken to the time-turned Harry last week – but robes and a gift should not be that complicated. What was the boy up to?

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