A choice only we can regret- chapter 7

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A/N Heyo~ So, another chapter! Yay! Okay, so I need some advice. Comic-con's coming up in June for me, and I'm going to enter the costume contest with a homemade Eren Jeager genderbend outfit. So how do you all think the judging will go?

 Livi No name POV

 After quite a whille of being outside, it started to dumb buckets of water from the sky, and we lost all three of the other members in our squad. ''Now's the time.'' Levi said.

 ''Time for what?'' I asked. Farlan looked at me regretfully. 

 ''Don't worry about it. Come on Livi, you're coming with me.''

 ''Where are we going? What about Isabelle and Farlan?''

 ''We're going on a seperate mission. Just come on, they'll be fine. ''

 ''O-okay.'' I muttered as I began to follow my older brother. 

 ''We'll see you in a minute!'' Isabelle called out over a crackle of thunder. Blood moon gave a loud neigh in protest to going even faster than before, but went on any way. 

 We hadn't been riding long before we came upon a cliff, and if it wasn't for Levi's horse, Firestorm, the two of us would have went off. But falling off was probably a better fate than those down in the vally. 

 There were about seven squads that just lie there dead. But where were the titans?

 ''We have to go back! Now!'' I could feel the urgancy in Levi's voice as we turned around and rode back to where we had left Isabelle and Farlan.

 It was horror. Pure horror.

 When a crackle of thunder gave out blood moon slipped just before Firetorm, sending Levi and I onto the ground. I couldn't move. I couldn't think. 

 Not even twenty minutes ago had both of my 'siblings' been fine. And now before me lay both of their mangled bodys. The worst thing though was that Isabelle wasn't dead yet. She was in the mouth of a titan and had just begun to say somthing before she was bit in half. 

 My mind couldn't function. There was nothing I could do. A small nine year old with two of her three siblings - the only thing I had ever had- and now that was gone. 

 Levi PoV (Hehehahehahe (evil laugh) didn't see that coming)

 There was slow clapping. I turned to see Erwin was the one doing the motion. ''Very good Levi. You got your friends killed.'' I couldn't stop the tears that flowed freely down my face for the second time in my life. The only other time I had ever cried was when Kuchel died. I guess I couldn't have stopped that, but this was on my own shoulders.

 And then it hit me, where was Livi? I franticly turned my head and was about to call out when Erwin interupted me.

 ''Are you looking for someone, Levi?'' He motioned toward his left, and I turned and saw one of his men holding Livi up by her hair. She was covered in blood, dirt and was soken wet. Her face was cold, and she didn't even blink. 

 ''Livi!'' I called out and began to run towards her. 

 ''Nope. '' Erwin said and blocked me with his arm. I gave him my deadly-ist death glare, that I remembered Isabelle and Livi called 'Death-von-death-glare-shorty-sy-mc-short-von-still-deadly'. More tears flowed.

 ''I will only let you see her if you promise to always serve under me, no matter what.'' I spit at him. ''If not-'' I didn't let him finish.

 ''Fine.'' His arm came down and the stupid man that held her by her hair let her go, and I ran to catch her. ''Livi.''

 ''Who is that?'' Her face was still blank, and the only reason she was looking at me was because I was forcing her. 


 '' No. My name is No Name.''

His sister (attack on titan Levi sister)*OLD VERWhere stories live. Discover now