Chapter 19- EwewewewNonononno

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 A/N FORGIVE ME I have been busy with anything possible. Anything. I know it's been, what, four weeks, and so this is like, three weeks and a day late? just know that i'm sorry. :) also, this is a bit like a filler, but at the same time, is important to later on in the plot soooo enjoy! one last thing, it was really     Memelord88 that pushed me to update. Thank her. there is also a really cool amv there, that i highly recomend watching or listening to. No, it shouldn't spoil Aot for you, and also has nothing to do with the chapter. Enjoy!

Livi NoName PoV

  Annie was still in the cristal a month later, and now there were even more mysterys, like why the heck there were titans in the wall.  It seemed as if nothing was ever going to get easier. There was always some kind of problem, always. 

 ''Sooooo, when are we going on our next mission?'' I asked my brother, continuing to kick my legs in front of myself on his desk. He gave me a look, you know, those ones that are like, get off my desk now, but I ignored it. He sighed, setting down his paper. 

 ''Why do you care.'' I shrugged. Honestly, I was just really bored of sitting in his office. But, he didn't need to know that. 

 ''Hanji is busy now trying to figure out what we're going to do now. Move out and hide somewhere, most likely. I highly doubt that there'll be an expedition soon.'' I nodded, hopping off the desk. 

 ''Well she better figure somthing out, and quick. I'm gonna go mess around with the cadets or somthing, see you later!'' I called, stepping out of his office and into the hallway, slamming the door to annoy him. 

 Wandering around, I wondered just exactly where the cadets were. I knew that Arlert was with Hanji, but that was it. Eventually, I made it to those double doors that I always seemed to come back to. I fiddled with the handels for a second, and made my way through the doors, coming to a stop before the big covered lump that was a piano. 

 Sitting down on the creeky bench, I wondered where exactly it had came from, but that thought faded fast as I sat down to play simple songs. 

 I had just finished a harder peice when I heard clapping from a single person, and whirling around, it was Eren. He came over and plopped down beside me, the bench making sounds of protest. 

 ''That was good. Where did you learn?'' 

 ''Umm, I don't know exactly. There's just almost always been a piano nearby. I guess I just picked up on what I could, seeing as there was nothing better to do.''  I turned back, and began to play agian, but this time, I missed a note. Growling in protest, I restarted, only to miss another one. Weird. I never missed notes before, so why should I now?

 ''By the way, do you know where the other cadets are? And you know that you're not supposed to be by yourself.''

 ''I know, and I think they're in the mess hall.''  I nodded, stood up, and beckoned him to follow me. He obliged, and we walked to the mess hall. 

 Just as we were rounding the corner, a loud shout was heard. ''Conny! Get your a** back here! You know I need help!'' After that, an almost baled boy was running towards us, a redhead on his tail. I caught the boy by the collar of his shirt and spun him around. 

 ''And just what are you doing?'' 

 ''Bye Conny, I'm getting outa here!'' The redhead screached as she ran by. 

 ''Eren.'' It wasn't a minute later and he had dragged her back to me and what I'm assuming is Conny.  ''Alright, what have you brats done?'' I asked as we walked back to the mess hall. 

 ''Ah, there they are!'' Chirped a voice that was light. I looked up to see a blonde holding a mop facing us, smiling softly. 

 ''O-oh, captian Livi, I'm sorry. Those two were just messing around and we w-were assigned as cleaning duty today.'' Said the same blonde, saluting. 

 ''Hey what's my Christia doing over here?'' Came another voice that was yet agian female. 

 ''I-I was just speaking t-to captian Livi.'' She slightly shied into the other girl when she put her arm around her. 

 ''Oh hey guys! How's it going?'' Eren asked, letting go of the redhead, only for her to go barreling down the hall, avoiding cleaning duty.  I rolled my eyes and glared at Eren. He just scratched his head. ''Sorry, Livi. Guess I was distracted.''

 ''Well I can see why.'' A brunette rounded the corner, a male with a big nose.  

 ''Jean! You don't say that to the captian!'' The blonde screached, and I felt very uncomterable. Eww. Nope. Conny took this moment of distraction to get free and go running, and I didn't even notice Eren waving his hand in front of my disgusted face. ''You're gonna get it now.''

 I just turned away, walking back to Levi's office, done with the cadets for today. Eren followed me all the way back, and my face stayed in the same position. As soon as we closed the door to my bro's office, he could tell somthing had happened. 

 ''What's up with you?''

 ''Ewww! Nonononononononononononononon whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhwywhwywhwywhwywwy '' I continued on, muttering curses to myself, and Levi turned to Eren for once.

 ''Jean hit on her. ''

 ''Don't even say it! If anyone else finds out, Eren, I will beat the tar out of you and you may end up never seeing the light of day.'' Levi just looked done. I gagged. 

 ''Well come on, if you don't like jean, who do you like?'' Eren asked, sitting down on the couch on the oppisite side of the room. 

 ''Well I don't know, deffinatly not any of the other captians or, anybody I can think of, for that matter. And nope, not a cadet. Nope. Nope. I'm done. Goodbye world. Time to go crawl into my hole and never come out agian.'' Levi rolled his eyes. 

 ''Hey Levi!'' Hanji shouted bursting through the door with a terrified looking Armin trailing after her. What's got him all worked up? 

''Well hi there, Armin!'' Eren said, smiling at the blonde. He moved slightly away towards Hanji. Eren tilted his head in confusion, his hair falling harpadazadly over his eyes before leaning back. trying to figure out what was wrong with Armin. 

 ''Guess what!?'' Hanji screached. Before Levi could even answer, she continued, ''we're moving!''

His sister (attack on titan Levi sister)*OLD VERWhere stories live. Discover now