Why did You Kiss Me?

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"Then let me help you since I'm your friend."

he pressed his lips on yours making your heart skip a beat.

He bit your lower lip and you automatically kissed back.

He forced in his tongue to deepin the kiss and you uncontrollably moaned.

It was wrong, but why did it feel so right? You couldn't deny that you actually liked it .

After a while , the realisation hit you. And you finally pushed him away from you.

"Yes, you're my friend. That's why I can't."you managed to say not being able to look into his eyes.

"Well, I guess it's okay since it's just a game."he shrugged.

"No, it's still not okay."you tried to hold your tears.

It happened. You finally tasted his lips and now you didn't know if you could still keep your feelings under control.

It was really hard. You wanted to kiss him again, but it was the last thing you should do

"I have to take a shower. You do whatever you want."

you faked a smile and run to your bathroom as fast as possible. Your cheeks were burning and you had to cool down with the help of cold water. Even if the weather wasn't warm outside.

You softly touched your lips with your index finger and looked in the mirror.

You weren't red anymore, but you still felt awkward. Great. You couldn't even be comfortable around Jungkook anymore, although he always was the person you felt the most comfortable with. But you weren't mad at him. You couldn't.

"Y/N"you heard jungkook knocking on the bathroom door.

"Yeah?"-you laid against the door. You weren't sure if you should open it.

"I'm sorry."he said

"I know I went too far, but please, don't be mad."

"It's alright."you decided to open.

"You sure?"he asked and you nodded

"Great. Then put some clothes on and come to the living room."you could see him smirk. Wait a minute. Clothes? Why would you put clothes on? You were already...


you looked down. The only thing you had on your body was a towel. Oh my God! How could you show him yourself only in towel?!

. . .

"Umm... hi."you walked into the room fully clothed and totally embarrassed.

"Hi?''Jungkook laughed and you automatically blushed hard.

"Asshole."you mambled not for him to hear.

"Excuse me?"he smirked.

"Oh, nothing."you smiled.

"I really heard it!"

"But I didn't say anything."you shrugged laughing.

"Seriously....."he pouted.

"Should we go shopping before watching the movie? We still have plenty of time left."you said.

"Why not?"he agreed and soon you were already walking through a shopping mall.

It was really big and you wanted to go to every single store, so you had a hard time on deciding which one you should actually visit. After three hours you left the building and headed to the cinema which was on the other side of the city.

You didn't buy anything, but trying on every dress you liked was enough to make you happy.

This felt a little like a date, and some people actually thought you were a couple, but this also made it slightly awkward. However, you tried your best not to think about it and act like you normally do.

Shopping was fun, but watching the movie was even better. It was really funny and you laughed like crazy, but it also made you sad because of the absence of happy ending.

But who cares about the ending. The movie was awesome.

"Wow. I totally loved it. Thank you."you smiled when you finally get to the door of your house.

"I'm glad."he said"Sleep well."

"Wait, Jungkook!"you yelled after him quietly, because you didn't want to wake up the entire neighbourhood.

"Yeah?"he turned around to face you.

"Can we play a game?"you asked.

"It's almost midnight."he chuckled.

"Please?" "Okay, what kind of game?"

"Truth game."you said looking straight into his eyes. "Didn't you say that we already know everything?"

"I thought it was like that, but there is only one thing I don't know and I'm curious about it."

"Ask me anything."

"Why did you kiss me?"

you went straight to the point.

because you were dying to know and you just had to make him clear things up.

"I wanted you to taste the ice cream."he shrugged

"Couldn't you just ask me? Why play the truth game?" He grinned.

"Because I wanted to hear the truth."you said.

"Now you know."he winked at you and wanted to finally go home but you couldn't just let him go.

"Why do I feel that even if we're playing the truth game you're still lying?"you asked his back and he suddenly froze.

What were you doing right now? Why did you ask him all these questions?

How could you know he was lying? Were you hoping that he could kiss you because he liked you? Well, maybe.

"What do you mean?"he turned around.

"Nothing. I'm sorry."you faked a smile and started to unlock your door with a key.

"You think I'm lying?"he asked with a serious face.

"No. You wouldn't lie to me."you shook your head. That's right. You had to believe him. He was your best friend and he would never lie to you.

"But I lied."

"What?"you started feeling confused.

"You heard it. I lied."he said it like it was just a casual thing. Was lying this easy? Or was it just you were easy to fall for his lies?

"Then why did you kiss me?"you repeated your question.

"Because I felt like it. You looked pretty and I'm a man after all."he shrugged.

"Excuse me?"you couldn't believe your own ears.

"I may be your friend, but I'm still a man."

"You're my best friend..."you started,

but he cut you off kissing you all of a sudden .

At first you were really surprised and just froze,

but after a while you kissed back

Of course

When he tried to deep in the kiss, You tried to push him away, but he was too strong for you.

Somehow you pushed him off...

Because You needed a real answer.

"You don't have a boyfriend and I don't have a girlfriend, so can't we level up our relationship?"he asked after you pushed him

is he going to confess Now??

"You mean... dating?"you widened your eyes.


he shook his head to your disappointment

"More like you know, friends with benefits."

FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS || JEON JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now