4. Kidnapped

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The next day Emma had to go work at SPN. So it was just David, Killian, and Regina at the lab. They were having a harder time finding evidence.

"Ugh why did Emma have to work today!" Said Regina getting frustrated.

"And she thinks she's not needed here. Heck she's the most important person here." Said David.

"Guys if we can focus then-" said Killian but then he realized someone else is missing-" Where's Belle?" Asked Killian.

"She's not coming. She feels too guilty." Said Regina.

"Bloody hell we need her here." Said Killian sighing. David and Regina were looking for some information on the computer when an alert came on.

"Who's that now." Said Killian sighing and getting frustrated.

"Uh the eraser, at at" said Regina.

"AT WHERE" said Killian.

"SPN" said David. Killian's eyes winded and he dropped everything. Not even a second later Killian was out of JRL in his suit running to SPN.


"One of you here will get the lucky chance to come with me." said The Eraser. The Eraser was then walking around the building when he saw Emma. He went close to her and grabbed her wrist tight. "Well aren't you a pretty thing. You will do just fine." said The Eraser and he brought Emma up to the roof top. While they heard one of the reporters yelling her name.

"Where are you taking me?" asked Emma.

"Jeez your a talker huh. Well that has to change." said The Eraser and Emma looked confused. The Eraser then took a gag out of his pocket and tied it around Emma's mouth.

"Much better now time to go." said The Eraser. He then flew off on the helicopter with Emma on board.

Two minutes after the helicopter left The Scarlet Speedster arrived at SPN.

"WHERE IS HE!" yelled The Scarlet Speedster. All the reporters looked scared and sad then Killian realized one very important person was not here. "Did he take any hostages?" asked The Scarlet Speedster trying to sound calm. One brave reporter spoke up.

"Yeah, he took my friend Emma. Please you have to save her." said Elsa.
The Scarlet Speedster tried not to show any anger or sadness.

"Trust me. I will get her back." said The Scarlet Speedster.

"Thank you." said Elsa and The Scarlet Speedster then ran off to JRL to have a few words with Captain Storm. Killian went into Captain Storm's cell room pissed.

"Why hello are we finally going to talk about dinner. And where's Emma?" asked Captain Storm with a smirk. Killian hit the glass on his cage so hard hit made his hand bleed. "Damn who pissed you off?" asked Captain Storm.


"The Eraser knows? Gold didn't tell us that." said Captain Storm totally shocked. Killian hit the glass again this time harder.

"YOU LIAR TALK!" yelled Killian. David and Regina then came running down.

"Hey Killian remember the lie doctor, he's telling the truth. What's going on?" asked David.

"Where's Emma?" asked Regina.

"THE ERASER TOOK HER!" yelled Killian.

"Oh no, is he taking her to Gold?" asked Regina. Killian was then getting frustrated.

The Scarlet Speedster// Captain Swan(ouat/the flash)Where stories live. Discover now