The Introductions

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They're all boys? That was the only thought going through my head the entire car ride home. Mom didn't tell me that part. She probably knew I was going to freak out like this, so she didn't tell me. Thank mom.

A little hand clasped mine shaking me out of my thought. I looked over and smiled at Chase who was giving me the cutest toothy grin.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you from my big bad brothers." He said reassuringly.

"Aw. Thank you, Chase. You could save me like Batman!" I said cheerfully. He little nose crinkled up at that.

"No! Superman for life." He shouted. I put my hand to my heart as in mock hurt.

"I'm so offended." He face crumpled when I said that and he reached over to give me a big hug.

"I'm sorry, Ri. I didn't mean to offend you. Will you forgive me?"

"Oh sweetie, I was just pretending, I'm not really offended! We can just agree to disagree. How about that?" I asked, bopping his nose lightly.

"YEAH!" He shouted. The rest of the way to the house was spent in a peaceful silence. I watched the houses and landscaping fly past, and I'm pretty sure Chase had fallen asleep. As we got further out into the country, I noticed that the houses got much bigger. We stopped at a fence and Rachel put the code in. Heading up the driveway, I marveled at the huge house- no mansion, in front of me. The outside of it was built Victorian style, so it was absolutely beautiful. There was a huge garage off to the side of the house that could probably fit 7 or 8 cars in it. As the car rolled to a stop, I undid my seatbelt and jumped out of the car excited to see the inside of the house. Todd opened the trunk and we pulled all of my luggage out of the back. My back was turned to the house, but I heard the shuffling of feet and I turned around only to be graced with the presence of God.

Okay so maybe it wasn't god, but these boys were sure close. I awkwardly coughed and all attention snapped to me.

"Holy shit. Who is this?" The one closest to me asked.

"Definitely not the girl who's going to be staying with us this summer." The one one on my right said.

"Ummm hi." I said waving.

"Hey there beautiful." The one closest to me said again.

"Brandon. Will you stop hitting on anything that has boobs and can walk on two legs." One said irritably. The one pressumably Brandon raised his hands and backed away.

"Fine! If you want her you can have her. No need to get worked up about it."

"All of you. Shut it." Rachel said loudly. She then said smirking, "She's very pretty, but way out of your league Brandon, so just save yourself the heartache of being rejected. Oh wait, you do anyways."

"Ohhhh BURN!" Everyone shouted at once. We all looked at each other and then burst out laughing. Brandon looking sheepish, started going back into the house.

"Oh no you don't." Rachel warned. "You have to come help Gabriella with her bags."

He groaned really loudly, but came back and picked up two of my duffle bags easily. Dang, he's got muscles.

"Anyways." Rachel said, dramatically. "The rest of the boys are Grayson, he's the oldest at 20, Justin, he's next at 19, then there's Cole and Brandon who both are 17, there's Cameron who is 16 and lastly there's Chase who is 5."

I nodded unsure of what to say. I was positive I would forget who was who and what their names were by tomorrow, but I would try. I hauled my rolled bag into the large house and was amazed but the large ceilings. The inside of the house was beautiful with a large staircase leading up either sides of the house, there was a large chandelier in the center of the foyer. There was a large door leading to the kitchen and dining area, brown double doors that I later found out lead to the study, there was also a huge living room with plush chairs that looked so comfortable.

"Gabriella? You're room is on the third floor, down the hallway and third door on the left." Rachel told me. "There's an elevator to your left that you can go up in if you want."

An elevator? Geez, these people have money.

I push the button for the elevator and get into the shaft. I press the 3 button, and notice this house has three floors. As the door opens, I see the hallway that Rachel told me about. I walk down the hallway and start counting the doors


I push open the door only to find a shirtless Brandon running on the treadmill. I try to shut the door as quietly as possible, but at the last moment it squeaks. I groan as a pair of hazel eyes meet mine.

"Trying to sneak a peak at me, cupcake?" He asks mockingly. I go red at that and begin to stutter.

"I-I, no. I-I just got extremely lost. Rachel told me the third room on the left, down this hallway." He just chuckles.

"Oh okay. That all you were doing." He says, laughter in his tone. I hurt in annoyance, and then away my arms crossed over my chest. He just laughs.

"Here I can help you. The elevator turns you around. You come out of it at the opposite end of the hallway then you would if you took the stairs. He crosses the hallway and opens the door across from his, and it indeed opens into a bedroom. I turn back to him looking a bit sheepish.

"Oh. Well I'm sorry for disturbing you."

"Of course not. I always love to see you pretty little face. Even if you are trying to sneak a peak. If you know what I mean." He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

"Ew no. In your dreams Brandon." I replied disgusted.

"You are in my dreams." He replies smirking.

"Get a life." I said before walking into my room and slamming the door in his face, blocking out his response.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2017 ⏰

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