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Rolling Stone Magazine HQ, New York City — later that day

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Rolling Stone Magazine HQ, New York Citylater that day


"Yeah?" The familiar booming voice of Will Dana rose Illyana from her deep thought. She turned to greet the figure whose head peeked into the door with a warm, if not slightly distracted smile. "Will, come on in."

The balding man nodded and swiftly stepped into the redhead's office space. He shut the door behind him as gently as possible, then took a seat in one of the two chairs facing Illyana's desk. He smiled at her, though he quickly took note of her odd demeanor. She wasn't... Upbeat. She seemed... Off.

Yeah, Will thought, off.

"I've a couple of things to tell you, and I'm not quite sure where I should start," he said. "Though I feel like you've got something on your mind." He raised his chin and brow, whilst maintaining his focus on Illyana. "Is there something going on, Romanoff?"

She smiled. Will knew her too well.

"A few things here and there, but nothing too big. It's mostly my mind making a brouhaha out of a small happening. But I'm otherwise fine, Will; I promise."

"Mhm. Are you sure, Illyana?" He asked once more. "You can talk to me, kid. You don't have to shy away from Uncle Will."

Illyana chuckled. "I, uh..." She bit her lip. "I saw Jackson today. Kinda messed with my head, that's it."

Will turned his head. There was a name he hadn't heard Illyana's lips say in so long. "Really? Did he do anything to you?"

"No, nothing like that. Actually, I think he went in waving his white flag. I was... Yeah, perhaps I was the one who picked the fight. It's just that —" she moved her seat closer to Will, and placed her hands on the desk. "I had things to say, okay? Raw, bottled up emotion that I've been wanting to release for so long. And, I don't know if this happens to you, but do you ever make hypothetical scenarios in your mind, with your hypothetical arguments. And how it all sounds good in your head, and that's exactly how you think it'll play out in real life? Because that's not what happened today. I just... I got stuck. I was so shocked, that everything I ever wanted to yell in his face, I wasn't able to. And you know what pisses me off the most? That he gets to look like the bigger person. Because he's past this whole thing. And I'm not, honestly. I'm mad. I'm mad because he took my hopes and dreams with him for a fucking fling, and I'm also mad because he took the one thing I had going on for myself — the part where I get to scream in his face. And he takes that from me. He took that from me, the motherfucker! So yeah. It's not much of a problem with him, but with me, and quite frankly, I need to stop. Yeah, I... Thank you. I needed this."

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