Ziua concertului

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 A trecut o luna de atunci,astazi e concertul!!!!Ma trezesc dis-de-dimineata,cu o dispozitie foarte buna.Intru pe telefon,si ii scriu prietenei mele,Mara,ora la care sa ne intalnim,pentru a merge la concert,iar apoi le anunt si pe celelalte fete.

-Cristina,scumpo,hai la masa!striga mama din bucatarie.

-Ok,acum vin!

*in bucatarie*

-Mama,stii ce zi e astazi,nu?
-Nu,ce zi e azi?ma priveste mama nedumerita.
-Astazi e concertul lui Michael Jackson,nu pot sa cred ca ai uitat...

-Serios?Off,imi pare rau,scumpo,am multe pe cap,stii tu...
-Ok,hai sa mananc,oh,ce bine arata!

-Ma bucur ca iti place,pofta buna!

-Multumesc,la fel!

*dupa ce mananc*

-Ok,te inteleg.Acum merg sa ma schimb,trebuie sa fiu aranjata nu :)
-Normal :))

Urc pe scari,intru in camera mea,ajung la sifonier si imi aleg cele mai frumoase haine pe care le am,deoarece vreau sa atrag toate privirile,mai ales pe cea a lui Michael <3.Ma imbrac cu un tricou galben ,modern,cu detalii aurii si cu fata lui Michael pe el,cu o pereche de blugi albastri ca cerul surprinzator si niste pantofi superbi si sclipitori,iar ca coafura mi-am lasat pletele sa coboare pe spate.Normal ca mi-am luat biletele si posterele,ca doar nu era sa le uit.

Ies din curtea casei,si alerg spre parc,unde o sa ma intalnesc cu prietenele mele.

*in parc*

-Ce fac,fetele?
-Bine,te asteptam,hai sa mergem!|
-Ai luat biletele pentru concert?
-Normal,stai linistita,nu am uitat nimic :)
-Ok :)

Am ajuns la locul concertului.Acolo s-au strans peste 1.000.000 de oameni.Dupa 20 de minute de asteptare,apare si Michael pe scena,cantand melodia ''Jam''.Eu m-am indragostit de ochii lui negri si fermecatori.Toti incepem sa cantam cu el:

''Nation to nation, all the world must come together,
Face the problems that we see,
Then maybe somehow we can work it out.
I asked my neighbor for a favor, she said, later.
What has come of all the people, have we lost love of what it's about?
I have to find my peace cause no one seems to let me be.
False prophets cry of doom, what are the possibilities?
I told my brother there'll be problems, times and tears for fears,
But we must live each day like it's the last.
Go with it, go with it.Jam. It ain't, it ain't too much stuff,
It ain't too much, it ain't too much for me to jam.
It ain't, it ain't too much stuff,
It ain't, don't you, it ain't too much for me to''

Dupa cateva melodii,se opreste din cantat,si se uita atent la mine,apoi ma cheama pe scena!!!In capul meu erau o mie de ganduri si eram super fericita ca mi s-a indeplinit cel mai mare vis al meu.Cu mari emotii,urc pe scena,si incepem sa cantam piesa ''Remember the Time'':

''Do you remember
When we fell in love
We were so young and innocent then
Do you remember
How it all began
It just seemed like heaven so why did it end?

Do you remember
Back in the fall
We'd be together all day long
Do you remember
Us holding hands
In each other's eyes we'd stare
(Tell me)

Do you remember the time
When we fell in love
Do you remember the time
When we first met girl
Do you remember the time
When we fell in love
Do you remember the time

Do you remember
How we used to talk
(Ya know)
We'd stay on the phone at night till dawn
Do you remember
All the things we said like
I love you so I'll never let you go

Do you remember
Back in the Spring
Every morning birds would sing
Do you remember
Those special times
They'll just go on and on
In the back of my mind

Do you remember the time
When we fell in love
Do you remember the time
When we first met girl
Do you remember the time
When we fell in love
Do you remember the time

Those sweet memories
Will always be dear to me
And girl no matter what was said
I will never forget what we had
Now baby!

Do you remember the time
When we fell in love
Do you remember the time
When we first met
Do you remember the time
When we fell in love
Do you remember the time

Do you remember the time
When we fell in love
Do you remember the time
When we first met
Do you remember the time
When we fell in love
Do you remember the time

Remember the times
Remember the times
Do you remember girl
Remember the times
On the phone you and me
Remember the times
Till dawn, two or three
What about us girl

Remember the times
Do you, do you, do you, do you, do you
Remember the times
In the park, on the beach
Remember the times
You and me in Spain
Remember the times
What about, what about

Remember the times
Ooh, in the park
Remember the times
After dark
Do you, do you, do you
Remember the times
Do you, do you, do you, do you
Remember the times
Yeah yeah''

Dupa ce am cantat,il imbratisez,gandindu-ma ca poate nu o  sa-l mai intalnesc niciodata,si cobor incet de pe scena.Toata lumea se uita uimita la noi.

-Wow,fata,nu creeed,cum ai reusit?ma intreaba Irina,crezand ca nu este adevarat.
-Nu stiu,fata,cred ca l-am atras :))
-Habar n-am :)Probabil nu o sa-l mai revad niciodata...
-Macar o sa-ti amintesti ca l-ai intalnit si ti s-a indeplinit cea mai mare dorinta,nu toti au norocul asta!
-Ai dreptate,mersi ca ma sustii :*
-Cu placere :*

Like daca v-a placut si vreti sa mai fac :)

Urmatorul capitol va aparea in seara asta,deci fiti pe faza!

SEX CU MICHAEL JACKSONUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum