Another Yhun was the last thing he wanted to run into right now. The girl looked harmless, so he focused on the man, coiled and ready.
"Are you alright?" the Yhun asked.
For a moment he was slightly taken aback, but quickly decided it was a failed attempt a sarcasm and so only bared his teeth in response. He firmly held his ground while the other two looked on with curiousity. His right shoulder was painful and faintly numb, but he supressed it to the best of his abilities. While he was quickly consindering his options, voices blared from behind him.
"I think he went this way."
"Are you sure? Who'd be stupid enough to run into where we live?"
The Yhuns that were chasing him weren't to far behind now.
"They've found us!" the Yhun in front of him suddenly wailed.
"I do not think they are looking for us." The girl said and turned to penetrate his green eyes with her own grey orbs, "I think it is him they are after."
He was completely out of the conversation and had no idea what they were on about, he had to worry about his own skin anyway. Suddenly the Yhun reached forward and, grabbing his wrist, started to drag him behind agaisnt his will.
"We run then!" the blond shouted.
Despite his protests, he soon found himself in the open terrain of The Yard still being towed by the Yhun with the girl following daintily behind.
With rising frustration and anger he finally shouted, "Let go you freaking lunatic!"
The Yhun turned to him with a wide smile, "You finally spoke."
And with that he was dropped to the ground. He tried his best to hold back any verbal abuse towards the idiot, afterall he'd managed to drag him a fair distance despite his struggle.
"What's your name?" the tall man asked gleefully.
He ignored him and gingerly rubbed his shoulder as he stood up. With one more sour glance at the pair, he turned and walked away.
"Do you have a name?" the Yhun called, "My name's Jesper. This is my friend, Noelle."
"I do not think he is interested." the girl stated.
She was completely right. He didn't want to be in their company a moment longer.
"Where are we going?" Jesper came up beside him.
The use of the word 'we' only added to his irritation.
"I'm going home." he spat.
"Great! We'll come too."
"Jesper." Noelle sighed witha warning tone.
"Hurry up, Noelle!"
"Listen here, Jester!" he snapped, "I don't want any stalkers or imbeciles so why don't you trot off back home?"
"We can't go home..."
"That's not my problem."
"Friends help each other."
"We're not friends!"
By now he'd reached his shack of a house with the other two in teetering behind. It wasn't really much of a house, just strips of bark tied together to make something that resembled a tent. At least it kept out rain and wind - to an extent.
"This is your house?" Jester's expression was blatantly disappointed.
"Yes." he growled, "And?"
World's End Pursuit
Teen FictionIn a country crawling out of the depths of war and rebellion, he sets off to start his own.