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Morgan POV-

"Hurry up!" Ciel shouted to me around his biscuit as he ran. "We're going to be late!"

I yawned and pulled on the edges of my boy's uniform. "Late shmate. I WANT A PROPER AMERICAN BREAKFAST, NOT THESE DAMN COOKIES YOU BRITS HAVE!"

Ciel grabbed my arm and dragged me through the gates as I was muttering about wondering if a simple piece of bacon was too much to ask for.

I groaned and dropped my heavy briefcase to the cement when we finally stopped. Instead of papers, I had my entire set of spray paints in there, along with some stencils and chalk powder.

"Remember," Ciel informed me as he placed a top hat on his head. "No matter what, first impressions are vital. You have to keep it together."

I groaned again and he sighed.

"Pick up your bag. We have to go inside."

I groaned a third time. "I don't wanna! You carry it for me!"

I shuffled forward a few feet, and collapsed face forward onto the grass.

"I'm tired..." I mumbled through the earth. "I'mma go to sleep right here. Wake me up when the sun's dead."

I suddenly heard gasps and people whispering in my direction. I lifted my head up and scowled at them.

"Look!" One boy shouted. "There they are! The P4!"

I turned my head in the direction in which he was pointing, and saw four guys who looked different than everyone else.

I groaned and stood. "The hell is a P4?" I muttered to myself as I patted down my slacks.

I looked up and found the prettiest of the special dudes running towards me, a mean look in his eye.

"Ooo! He's in trouble!" I heard someone snicker. "Serves him right!" Laughed another one.

I flinched back as the dude caught me by my tie. Is he gonna hit me? Then I'll hit him the fuck back!

But nothing happened.

I opened my eyes to find the blonde dude smiling nicely and fixing my tie.

"Your tie's crooked." He said simply.

I raised an eyebrow. "Eh?"

He let go and tilted his head to the side. "What's your name, boy?"

"Uh... Quincy. And that's my friend Phantomhive." I jabbed my thumb over my shoulder towards Ciel and another blonde dude walked up to us.

I noticed that his vest was green while the pretty one's was red.

"That's right." He said, stopping in front of me. "I heard from the principal that there would be a new student coming to blue house today. Is that you?"

I shook my head. "Nope! That's my friend over there!" Again I pointed to Ciel. I looked down at the writing on my hand and furrowed my brow. "My hand tells me either violet or green house... Look, see." I pushed my palm into the dude's face and he scowled.

On my hand, I had written:

'One house, two house. Violet house Green house. Wait, that doesn't rhyme...'

All the words but violet and green were in black, while the houses were in their respective colors.

He pushed it away and I grinned.

"Weston collage's rule number 48 states:" A monotone and emotionless voice spoke up, cutting into my interaction time with mister green vest here. "The only ones aloud to cross the lawn are the prefects or those granted permission buy them." A dude with bowl cut navy hair and glasses, sporting a blue vest walked over to us and pushed up his glasses. "At least remember the school rules before you enter."

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