04 | little nuissance

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The gang were whispering harshly amongst each other before Cheryl approached.

"Veronica Lodge."

The three sat down and pretended as though nothing happened. The redhead placed her perfectly manicured hands on her hips. Her pale skin tone contrasted against the bright red pencil skirt she wore to match the cherry brooch pinned onto her navy blue sweater. "I heard whisperings."

Florence came up from behind her and awkwardly waved. "Hey guys." Kevin, Betty, and Veronica all gave a chorus of greetings before Cheryl interrupted them. "I'm Cheryl Blossom." She introduced, giving the trio her signature Queen Bee smile. "May we sit?"

Cheryl didn't wait for an answer and turned to the blonde sitting by herself at one end of the table. "Betty, would you mind?" Again, she didn't wait for an answer and plopped down right next to the poor girl, who scooted away as far as she could.

Florence stood at the end smiling politely at the three when Cheryl grabbed her arm and pulled her down next to her. She landed with a small 'oomf' and tried readjusting her position so she was more comfortable.

"So, what are you three hens gossiping about?" Cheryl cocked her head to the side and rested it lightly on her fist. "Archie's Efron-esque emergence from the chrysalis of puberty?"

"Extracurricular activities." Veronica tried steering the conversation away from the boy Florence had yet to know. "Weatherbee wants me to sign up for a few."

"Cheerleading!" Cheryl gushed and placed her hands face down onto the wooden table. "You must. I'm senior captain of the River Vixens." Her fingers flowed through her hair and circled her head, sweeping her long red locks perfectly around her left shoulder.

"Is cheerleading still a thing?" Kevin questioned from the far end of the table. Cheryl gave him a look with a slight twitch of her upper lip. "Is being the gay best friend still a thing?"

Florence bit her lip to stop the laugh that was going to escape her mouth, but she didn't even attempt to stop the small snort. Kevin tightened his jaw and rolled his head to the left to communicate with Betty through his annoyed facial expressions. Never get in between Cheryl and cheerleading.

"Some people say it's retro. I say it's eternal and iconic." The River Vixen sighed dreamily and then nudged Florence. "Flo here actually used to be a cheerleader."

Kevin rolled his eyes and slumped his shoulders. "Seriously?" Veronica and Betty looked over at Florence, who was too busty trying not to flush from all the attention. Cheryl praised her like she was her own living child. "She won Nationals last year with her old team, the Panthers." Cheryl made a little clawing action when saying 'Panthers'.

Florence smiled as she reminisced in the old days back in her hometown. "Yeah, we won grand champion."

"We're hoping to go out and start doing competitions once she tries out for the team-" Cheryl laughed to herself and waved the idea off. "Who am I kidding? She doesn't even need to try out to get a spot." Turning to face Veronica, the redhead waited for her answer. "So, what do you say?"

"At Spence, I sat at the top of the elite pyramid. I'm in." Veronica smirked and turned to Betty. "Betty, you're trying out too."

The blonde sophomore looked up from her salad at the mention of her namer and replaced the puzzled expression with a smile once Cheryl turned around. "Of course." The red head praised. "Anyone is welcome to try out, but Betty's already got so much on her plate right now." Cheryl didn't bother to try hiding her judgmental stares when looking down at what was on her tray, making Betty roll her eyes.

"And being a Vixen is kind of a full-time thing." Cheryl added, turning to look at Veronica again. "But, open to all."

She swung her heeled foot over the bend and stood up before looking down at Florence. "Ready to go, Flo?"

"Yeah, just give me one sec." Florence motioned to Betty. "I have to ask my peer helper something." Cheryl didn't even try to stop the annoyed sigh that left her lips. "Alright, but meet up once lunch is finished so we can walk to class together."

The River Vixen stood at the end of the wooden table. "Follow me on twitter and I'll do the same. My handle is @CherylBombshell." Chery's fiery red hair whipped behind her as she sauntered back to her lunch table.

Once she was out of ear shot, Florence turned to the three. "Okay, hate on cheerleading all you want." She eyed Kevin specifically, who was too busy picking at his peanut butter and jelly sandwich to notice. Veronica waved her hands. "No. I'm with you on this one, Flo."

"Betty," She turned to the blonde lost in thought by herself. "If hipster prince Harry could-"

"I would love to be a cheerleader." Betty sighed, making the two girls clamp shut their jaws in surprise. "It would look great on my college applications. But last year when I tried out, Cheryl said I was too fat."

"'Two Season Five Betty Draper.'" Kevin elaborated and laughed. "It was a great line." His conscience internally slapped him and he quickly turned to look at Betty. "But, not at all true."

"Hey, I'm really sorry for how Cheryl is treating you." Florence apologized to her. "She was never like this when we became friends. Anyways,"

She motioned to Betty's small frame. "You are definitely a smoke show now." The blonde rolled her eyes and looked down  at her food, making Florence nudge her. "I mean it."

"As hot and as smart as you are, you should be the Queen Bae of this drab hive." Veronica agreed with the former cheerleader.

"If you want to be a river Vixen, I could talk to Cheryl." Florence proposed and started picking at her white-manicured nails. "I can also help you prep. If you didn't hear Cheryl, I was the national grand champ last year. I have moves."

"I can help too." Veronica piped up. Betty let out a sigh before shrugging. "You know what," She picked up her apple. "Show me your moves."

"I don't get it." Kevin changed the subject and stared into Florence's eyes. "How are you best friends with the Devil herself yet aren't one of her evil flying monkeys?"

Florence shook her head and laughed. "She's not bad when you get to know her. Promise." The sound of a bell indicated the end of lunch and Florence stood up. "Cheryl is probably going to go berserk if I don't go walk with her to have some 'quality time.'" She held up her index and middle fingers on both hands to make air quotes.

"Wait, let me see your schedule." Betty held out her hand and made a grabbing motion as Florence fished for it trough her sea of crumpled papers. Once it was found, Betty snatched it and scanned through the charts filled with scribbles and neatly texted words.

She took out a red pen and wrote her name as well as Kevin's and Veronica's next to a few of the boxes. "These are the classes we have together."

"Sweet." Florence nodded and then slipped out her phone to exchange numbers. The entire table passed around their cellphones in a circle until all of their contacts were in her phone. Florence grabbed her cell and schedule from Betty. "I'll see you all at auditions."

With a smile, the brunette turned and bounded off to go meet up with Cheryl.

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