32 | the funeral

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Florence let out a shaky breath as she slipped on her shoes before looking at herself in the mirror of Cheryl's bathroom.

Her body adorned a black t shirt dress with chunky black booties. Her black leather jacket was draped over the toilet seat. Looking down at it, a small smile made its way to her face as she remembered the day she received it. Jason gave it to her on her 14th birthday so that she could finally wear one made with "actual leather." Throughout the years, her obsession with leather jackets died out, but she never ceased to wear the one from Jason.

Florence knew this day would eventually come ever since she saw Jason's lifeless body on the bank of Sweetwater River. She dreaded its arrival, and now that the day was here, she couldn't feel a single emotion running through her body. Florence felt completely empty inside, like every single thing that happened up to this point has sucked out her life and only left a shell of who she once was.

A knock came from the large mahogany door. "Florence?" Veronica called out. "Are you ready?" "Yeah." Florence cleared her throat. "I'll be done soon. I'll meet you down there." There was a slight pause before the sound of her heels clicking against the floor faded away.

Florence looked back at her reflection, noticing her tired eyes and sad expression. "Nothing that a little wine can't fix." She mumbled and grabbed her leather jacket. The smooth leather underneath fingertips reminded her of the many times she wore it while driving around with Jason and Cheryl once they got older. When Jason finally got a car, the first thing he did was take a road trip with Cheryl to visit Florence in her old town. Her eyes stung at the memories of them singing to songs on the radio while racing down the highway.

Florence stopped at the top of the staircase to compose herself. "I have to be strong." She stated. "For Cheryl." Wiping away the stray tears, the brunette slipped on the jacket before ascending the steps. Each step had her heartbeat increase with anxiety.

As she got closer to the bottom, the chattering of guests increased. The ceiling opened up to reveal a large crowd of people wearing black. Some people Florence recognized, and some she did not. All of them were headed towards the room where the Blossoms decided to hold the wake. Florence quietly followed behind the sea of people, knowing that the entire town was probably invited to say goodbye to Jason.

By the time Florence got there, most of the guest have already taken their seats. She felt her body freeze at the doorway. Seeing the casket at the other side of the room made her dream-like state feel more real: they were burying Jason today.

A familiar quiff of red hair stood out among the somber room. Florence knew exactly who that was. There sat Archie among the rest of his friends. With Valerie by his side. Seeing Valerie right next to him made the pit in her stomach grow. "What the hell." Florence muttered. This was definitely not what she needed today.

Veronica sat in front of all of them in the top two rows reserved for family and close friends. Florence was supposed to sit with her, but she didn't realize how close it would be to Archie. Like, literally right in front of him.

Pushing down the nerves bubbling inside of her, Florence slowly walked towards the front of the room. Every step she took felt like it was echoing in a quiet room. Majority of the eyes were on her due to her affiliation with Jason: word travels fast in a small town.

Florence averted her gaze from the coffin to Veronica, who was smiling reassuringly at her and patted the aisle seat next to her. She hesitated, glancing at Archie and Valerie. Valerie gave Florence a small smile, but with the look she received from the brunette made her guiltily look away. Archie never looked away. All he could think of was how beautiful Florence looked, yet how sad she was.

Florence moved her gaze away to the entrance of the room, where everyone else proceeded to look. Cheryl's white lace dress contrasted from the dark clothing that everyone else wore. She walked to the podium with a look of determination written on her face.

"Oh my god." Veronica mumbled while Kevin quickly shouted, "Yes!" Florence felt her mouth drop open as her gaze followed Cheryl to the front. Her parents reacted the same way as she did.

"Welcome to Thornhill." Cheryl greeted everyone. "Thank you all for coming. If you'll kindly take your seats." Veronica tugged on Florence's limp arm, making her sit whilst still in shock. "I'd like to start the memorial with a few words about Jason." Mrs. Blossom rose to get her daughter, but Mr. Blossom held her down. Cheryl's mother turned her head to look at the two girls and Veronica mouthed. "You're only going to make things worse."

"The last time I saw Jason, I was wearing this dress." Cheryl started off. "I know it's impossible. But I swear, when I put it on it... It feels like he's in the room with me." A small smile graced her face as she looked to the photo of her late brother.

"Even though we were twins, I used to demand I have my own birthday party. Until one year, out of the blue, Jason convinced me we had to combine them into one. It wasn't until years later I found out why. It was because no one wanted to come to mine." Cheryl started to tear up. "And Jason didn't want me to know. He protected me. Every single day. I wish, that day at the river, I protected him."

Cheryl let out a sob and rushed to the casket where Jason laid to rest. "I'm so sorry Jay-Jay." She cried. "We failed you. All of us." Florence felt her breath hitch in her throat as she tried to fight the tears in her eyes, but then one rolled down and the rest followed. A small sob left her lips and she was quick to cover her mouth. Veronica turned to her and placed a hand on her shoulder in comfort, but Florence shook it off. "I'm sorry I can't do this." The brunette stood up quickly and rushed out of the room.

Florence proceeded for the closest door and burst through. Her feet carried her far from Thornhill Mansion into the garden behind the door. She hunched over and pulled at her curled hair. Memory after memory of Jason flashed in her mind and all she wanted was for all of it to stop. Her body shook in grief for her friend as her hands slipped from her now messy hair to cover her face.


A soft voice came from behind her as the person's hand slowly caressed her shoulder. Florence looked up and turned to see Archie standing behind her. Without a second thought, she launched herself into his arms and sobbed into his chest. Archie didn't hesitated to wrap his arms around her in comfort.

The two swayed back and forth as Archie brought one hand to cradle her head. Florence knew that this was the man that cheated on her with her teacher. The man who broke her heart. Yet he was still the man that made her feel safe. The man she wanted to squeeze her to put all of the pieces of her heart back together. Because her heart was broken two times. The first was Archie. The second was Jason.

But Jason, as much as he wanted to, couldn't fix her heart.

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