Chapter Twenty

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Ten Years Later

Denver walked through the clubhouse looking for her husband waving to the crow eaters and the new prospects she stood in front of the chapel doors, not sure if she should knock or not looking around she noticed that Opie was sitting at the bar which meant they weren't in church. Strolling over to Opie she spotted Jax walking from the apartments smiling at her as she walked over to him

"Your here early" Jax said as Denver closed the gap between them

"Yeah I know but the kids wanted to go to grandmas early so I figured I would come hang out with you before we headed out" Denver smiled

"Which kids cause JT hates it over there, he would rather stay home and work on the charger" Jax said smiling, Even though JT was only turning eleven he was attached at his fathers hip. Always wanting to be out in the garage with Jax working on the Charger that would eventually become his when he was able to drive

"Ava and Abel were pretty adamant about going for hours this morning and well Oliver he didn't have a say, nor did he care what was going on" Denver said smiling. After JT turned two Denver and Jax decided to try to have another baby, after almost three months of trying she ended up pregnant with the fraternal twins Ava and Abel. Jax was smitten that he was finally going to have a daughter, when they did the ultrasound they were told that it was twin girls, but when Denver gave birth they learned that who they were naming Abby was infact an Abel. Both Jax and Denver were dead set that they didn't want anymore after neither of them sleeping for the first six months after having Ava and Abel that Denver ended up going to get her tubes tied. But six years after her tubes were tied little Oliver was dropped on their door step by an anonymous person saying that Denver and Jax were the only ones who would be able to care for the child. Being named and everything Denver took a liking to the small baby who also seemed to have the same heart condition JT had.

After learning that Oliver was in the same condition that JT was after he was born Denver decided to do some digging, finding out four months after she had already legally adopted Oliver that Jax had cheated on her while he was on a run up in Oregon. It devastated her for a while and they split up for a few months but mended the fence when JT had a issue with his heart because of the stress he was under getting bounced back and forth between Gemma's house to see Jax and then back home to Denver. So Denver bit the bullet and took Jax back for the sake of her sons health. She wasn't proud that the fact that Jax had cheated on her but he swore it was not on purpose and he would never do it again, their relationship was still on the rocks but she was trying her best while Jax did anything and everything he could do to save their marriage. He felt absolutely terrible for cheating, he couldn't call it an accident but it wasn't on purpose. They were celebrating a patch over and Jax got entirely too drunk and ended up bedding one of the croweaters and was too drunk to think about wrapping his dick, he didn't realize he had done anything until when he was getting ready to leave she approached him and thanked him for the good time the night before, Jax immediately showered and regretted ever doing anything and prayed it would never get back to Denver. But it did, if it wasn't for this girl dropping the kid off at the doorstep she would of never known and in some small way Jax wished that it never happened. Jax loved all of his kids but Oliver nearly split his family in half and caused JT to go through some heart issues

Denver knew that Jax was sorry when she found out, he was sitting right next to her when the birth certificate came in the mail a few months later naming the crow eater as his mother and Jackson Teller as his father, she was more mad that Jax had lied to her about doing it in the first place, she knew something was up the day he came home from that run. He was overly clingy and was doing anything he could to make her happy for a few months so Denver knew Jax did something, Denver was aware of the rules of the road but Jax always insisted that those rules never applied to them because he married her as Jax Teller not the outlaw biker, but she wasn't naïve she knew Jax was messing around with crow eaters while he was on the road, he was the prince of Charming every girl would kill to get in Jax's pants and the ones that did would gloat about it to everyone.

When they arrived at the cabin Denver walked in and knew that Gemma had something to do with it since the fridge was stocked with food and she already had a bag packed

"I know our life had been rough the past couple months and I want to apologize" Jax said opening and beer and handing it to Denver

"That's an understatement Jax" Denver said sipping her beer

"I am sorry babe and you know I would do anything to make it up to you, but I am trying and you've gotta cut me some slack" Jax said

"I think I've cut you enough slack" Denver said sitting at the table

"I brought you here because I have some news for you" Jax smiled setting his beer down

"News?" Denver said

"Yes, its good news and I think your going to be pleased with it" Jax said leaning forward

"Ok, what is it?" Denver asked leaning back on her chair

"Samcro is going legit, no more guns or drugs. We will be doing charity runs locally and we will be working with Charming PD to do fundraisers" Jax smiled

"So what does that mean for us?" Denver asked

"No more long runs and ill be home for dinner every night" Jax smiled

"That does make me happy" Denver smiled standing up and walking towards Jax, Jax wrapped his arm around her waist as she bent down and kissed him passionately

"I love you Jax" Denver smiled

"I love you too babe, always have. Your always going to be loved" Jax smiled as he stood up and lead Denver towards the bedroom

Well guys!!!! that is it!!! and since I am currently snowed in I may start the new story today!!!! yayyyyy so stay tuned and if your in my neck of the woods stay safe and warm!! As of right now we have a foot already and we cant get down our road!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2017 ⏰

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