Chapter Sixteen

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Jax walked into the house it was a long few days and he felt terrible that he hasn't spent much time with Denver since he had been working so much at the garage and doing club things, every morning for the past three months Denver had made sure Jax had breakfast and lunch made for him before he walked out the door, even though she was going on eight months pregnant nothing was stopping her, the small hole in JT's heart was still there and both Denver and Jax were preparing for the fear of surgery if it didn't repair itself in the next few weeks. After locking the door Jax hung his kutte on the hook by the kitchen, checking the kitchen for Denver he turned the light off and headed towards the bedroom figuring she was probably sleeping by now since it was almost ten.

Pushing the door open Jax saw Denver sleeping on his side of the bed, the same place he had found her the last three nights, stripping himself down to his boxers Jax slid into bed behind Denver, resting his hand on her swollen stomach hearing a small moan Jax felt something wet on the bed, Denver sat up and looked around frantically her eyes finding Jax she gasped

"I think my water just broke" She said

"I think it did too, I think we need to head to the hospital like now" Jax said getting out of bed and putting his pants back on that he just rid himself from, walking over the other side of the bed Denver scooted towards the edge and clutched her stomach in pain, her face wincing from the pain level she was experiencing, Jax took her hands and helped her stand up as her body released the rest of the fluid that was resting in the birth canal

"Jax it hurts" Denver cried

"I know babe were gonna get you to the hospital lets go" Jax said as they walked down the hall

"i should change my clothes" Denver said stopping as another contraction waved through

"babe theres no time weve gotta go" Jax said holding the small of her back

The ride to the hospital was quick but it felt like forever to Denver who continually cried out in pain, when they reached the maternity floor the nurses got her hooked up pretty quickly as her doctor came in to see her

"hey guys the little guy decided to make an early entrance I see" he chuckled

"yeah what does this mean doc?" Jax asked

"I'm not really sure yet jax but we are going to take good care of him I promise" he said as he began to check Denver

"Wow, hes ready I feel his head, Denver have you had a lot of pressure?" he asked looking up at Denver

"A lot, it came on suddenly I've been trying to not push" Denver said

"Okay well the next contraction I want you to try and push, if you keep him in the birth canal for too long then it can cause complications" he said as he began to suit up in his scrubs while the nurses began breaking down the bed and raise the stirrups

Denver looked over at Jax, fear written all over her face "I'm scared Jax" Denver whispered

"Babe there is nothing to scared of, your going to do great and JT will here before you know it" Jax smiled as he kissed her forehead

"I love you Jax" Denver said

"love you more babe" Jax smiled

Jax was right, JT was out in two pushes, Denver began to cry as the nurses whisked him away before her or Jax could see him, the doctor assured them that he was in good hands and the best neonatal surgeon was in the hospital and was going to take amazing care of JT.

After a few hours had passed Jax and Denver heard a knock on the door before it opened slowly

"You've gotta be shitting me" Denver whispered at the person walked in

"Tara what are you doing here?" Jax asked looking at her

"I am the leading surgeon on JT's case, your doctor flew me down when he learned your son had a hole in his heart" Tara said looking at both Jax and Denver

"why didn't you let me know you were performing surgery on my son?" Jax asked

"Because I didn't know, with these type of cases we don't get names only updates and sonogram pictures that don't include names its all part of the HIPPA you signed" Tara said

"Hows my son?" Denver asked

"He's in recovery, the surgery went exactly how I expected it to go, perfect. He's a perfect little boy" Tara smiled

"What about his future?" Denver asked

"Hes going to have to take some medication for most likely the rest of his life to control the heart palpitations but other then that he will be fine" Tara smiled

"Thank you Tara for taking care of my boy" Jax said

"You are very welcome, congratulations the both of you" Tara said

"Thank you Tara it means a lot that even though I hated your guts you still took care of our son" Denver said

"Once I heard JT Teller was on his way into surgery that was when I figured out it was you both and no matter our past that little boy in there was my main priority" Tara said

Denver smiled at Tara no matter what Denver would forever have nothing bad to say about Tara Knowles as she just saved their sons life like it was nothing


Jax wheeled Denver down to the nursery where JT was being held until he was cleared to be released to Denver's room, Jax pushed her towards the incubator she began to cry, her baby was filled with wires all over and was sleeping soundly

"Look at the blonde hair Jax" Denver smiled

"Bet hes got your eyes though" Jax smiled

"I guess we will find out later when he decides to wake up" Denver said looking at Jax

"We did good babe" Jax said leaning down and kissing Denver

"Yes we did, I cant wait to hold him" Denver said touching the glass

"Me either babe, I wanna put his little hat on him" Jax said pulling out a small baby blue cap that had SAMCRO embroider on the front of it

Jax placed the cap on top of the incubator, knowing that he wouldn't be able to hold his son for most likely a few more weeks killed him but in the end it was all going to be worth it

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