Chapter 1 Elisif

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I heaved a strong breath out of my lungs and readied my sword. This was it. This time I wouldn't lose. I got into the stance I was thought when I was younger. "AAAAAARRRRGGGHHH" I charged my opponent with all my might. I concentrated on my surroundings. The soft whistle of the wind, The chirping of the birds, The feeling of the grass on my boots, The handle of my sword and of course the stance and every other detail of my foe. The way he stood with his sword down low meant he was probably going to strike from the ground and catch me right in the chest. I had no time to lose. Still running at him I brought my weapon sideways so I could attack or block him easily. I was going to do it I was going to win. I swung my sword down low so I could block but at the last second he... grinned. In that final moment he brought his own weapon above his head. Oh no. Fear crept into my brain I tried to bring of my own sword but my attempt was futile. His weapon caught me on the head and I was thrown into a world of dizziness. His next swing caught me in the chest and another caught my leg. I tried again to attack him by swinging my sword at his stomach but his reaction time was perfect. He parried and jumped back a good ten meters. The next thing I knew I was hearing him mutter some words "Astalu Cormaba Momea Sackatoria". The air left my lungs in an instant and I was thrown off my feet and flew back about twenty five feet into a tree. I gasped for air and looked up to see my opponent charging like a maniac at me and shoved his sword into my chest. "UUUUUGGGGHHHHH" I coughed and spluttered. "Okay you win", "Giving up already Elisif" said my attacker. "Come on, you went to hard on me Alton". "Oh I'm sorry did I go to hard on little precious Elisif." He laughed at his little joke. Alton was my older brother and private trainer. He was everything a prince was. Handsome with long flowing hair the color of chocolate, great teeth, girls and of course excellent combat skills. He was two years older than me at the age of nineteen whereas I was sixteen. We sat down on the tree stump that had fallen over during our battle and picked up a small leather pouch that held our lunch of a sandwiches and water. We ate and drank in silence for a few minutes before Alton spoke. "You need to get better at this Elisif". Alton's voice had gone dark. I knew this. It was over a year ago that I started my combat training. When I was younger I always wanted to join the Elven army. So on my sixteenth birthday I was allowed to start being taught by my brother. The thing was not only was my brother stronger than me, he was also incredibly gifted with the sword and magic alike. I pouted. Unlike Alton I was never very good with magic and weapons. I looked around the clearing. It was a very large circle surrounded by large pine trees. A small pond sat in the center of the majestic location. It was the perfect place for training a young Elven princess. I wasn't like the other princess's around Dorconia. While they wanted gold and fame and loads of other things a princess was like, I was different. When I was younger I would love to here stories about explorers and adventurers who had brilliant fights with dangerous beasts and discovered new lands and country's. This is what I wanted to be. An adventurer who was able to discover new and exciting places for people to live and be overjoyed with. Alton stood up finished his snack. "We should head back to the palace now" he said with his usual tone.

Soon Alton and I were walking through the capital of Dorconia. Its name was Astolia and it was the most beautiful place I had ever set eyes on. The buildings were made from a special kind of marble with golden pillars and roofs. The canal in the city was so fresh and clean and the trees were so green and tall. In one word I would call it paradise. But of course only Elves were aloud to have accommodation in the city. We were the superior race and the other races were only allowed to rent rooms in the inns or sleep in the street. Only one race was not allowed in the city at all. If any of them were caught they would be thrown into prison and be publicly executed the next day in the central market. People bowed at us as we strode through the city and up to the palace. There was no words to describe how big it was. Its massive dome covered the entire building and it made the rest of the city look shameful beside this massive structure. I had lived her for seventeen years and even I didn't know about all its twisting corridors and enormous rooms. But the thing that I loved more than anything about my home was the gardens. They were so breath taking that you would just stand there for hours just staring at them without knowing. The waterfall fell gracefully into a very large pond. There was amazing plants of all kinds and bushes that were soft to the touch. The guards at the doors saluted us. They had swords at their waists and bows and arrows strapped to their backs.

We made our way up the steps and into the main hall

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We made our way up the steps and into the main hall. More guards were placed around the room with their sturdy armor and deadly weapons. The main hall had many features. A long red rug that covered the entire room, the colored windows and the golden throne at the back of the room were me and Alton's father sat. The power he radiated was so immense and well beyond any other living being. He wore purple robes with golden lining. He had a long white beard that went down to his chest. Long hair the same color as his beard and an emerald circlet that sat upon his head gracefully. This man of power and the most powerful mage alive was the ruler of Dorconia, Emperor Uustis.

Legends of Dorconia Book 1- ElisifWhere stories live. Discover now