Chapter 13: At Least It's Justice

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"Yo!" Jay strides into the office, exuberant. "Did you guys catch the game last night? Kane scored the backhander. Guy's on fire this season." His jacket lands on his desk with a casual toss. "What's with you three?" He glances at Erin, Alvin, and I, finding a mix of confusion and shock.

"Halstead," Voight calls him into his office, where the Commander is seated. He doesn't stay in there long before storming out, grabbing his jacket, and leaving through the back entrance.

Lonnie's body was discovered last night in the park, and suspicion hovers over Halstead—the alleged killer of his ex-girlfriend's younger brother, Ben. Tony warned him to be careful, mentioning that there is evidence against Jay, but the details elude me. All I know is that Jay has strong morals that he doesn't break, so I couldn't ever see him killing somebody in cold blood, no matter what they may have done.

Antonio enters but is promptly called to leave with Hank and Alvin for a reported car crash with some unusual circumstances.


"The car was reported stolen from a parking garage about a week ago," Alvin informs the team upon their return and investigation. They gave us a heads-up, and had Jin run tests on parts of a body found in the back of one of the crashed cars.

"The torso recovered from the trunk had an artificial hip, so I asked Jin to trace the serial number and match it to the patient's name," I brief Voight.

"Doing it that way's actually faster than a DNA test. Only takes me a couple of hours instead of a couple of weeks," Jin chimes in, attempting to highlight his efficiency.

"It's a good thing you're back to doing your day job instead of personal favors," Hank retorts, well aware that Jin may have assisted Halstead in a potential criminal act. "Keep hitting the bushes," he adds, retreating into his office.

"Hey, do you think Halstead did it or what?" Adam asks. Antonio raises his arms in a questioning manner, and Erin glares at him. "Lindsay, come on, it's a question. You never know around here sometimes."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Alvin demands.

"Nothing," Adam shrugs.


"Alvin, I want you to do a drive-by," Voight radios after taking Sumner on a visit to the dead man's wife at her house.

"Yeah, just shoot me the name, and we'll suit up," he replies. 

I can feel the tension rising in the air. "So, are you going to let me know what's going on with Halstead?" Alvin inquires, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and concern.

"I told him not to pursue his vendetta. Maybe he didn't listen," Hank suggests, I can almost imagine the stern expression on his face, now that I've gotten to know him. He's likely keeping the conversation vague as he has Sumner seated next to him in his car and none of us know how trust-worthy she is.

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