4. Hogwarts

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We get out the mirror. All dizzy and tired. We look up let go of each othershands and do a group hug.
"We....we...WE ARE AT FREAKING HOGWARTS!" Amilia says. "Omg omg omg omg" sarah says "wow i told you its a miracle!" Michael says "hugs for you my weird wizzard friend" ashley says. The wizard she was hugging was ginny her self she smiled.
"Well hello to you too then" she says while laughing. "O Harry wait up!" She yells. "Sorry got to go bye." She says.
Me still in total shock stands there allmost  crying off Happines. Just says "wow its....its so... magical" "well duh its a magic school sweety wake up" sarah says. "Ok ok calm down" hermione says "i wanna let you look around with me and find you a room or 2." We all follow not daring to touch anything till Hermione stops and says "here we are! Matbe you can sleep here with 3 and next door with 2. Next door ginny also sleeps soooo...." "IL GO" i and amelia say as one. "Thats settled then. Il tell you why your here but first rell me what tou need and il get it in 10 min....By portal." We all write down our adresses and what we need. She gets all of it and when she gets back she tells the story....

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