Lonely Flower - Chapter 3

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Harry goes and open the door it is.. The other guys from one direction! 

- Oh Hi i forgooten sorry Harry says as he look down on the floor

- It´s ok Harry Who is your beautiful ladie friend? a boy with light brown hair and blue eyes asks

- OH this is Rosy.. Rosy this is Louis,Liam,Zayn and Niall they are like my brothers 

- awwn how cute! i say as all the five boys laugh a little

- well we was hoping for a Lads night but it turnd in to a..Laidies Night i guess Louis sais 

- .. Louis you fix the beer,Liam board games,Niall movies and Zayn you fix the food.. i say as the boys nicely do what i told  them to do 

- haha,Thanks Love Harry says as he whatch me right in the eyes.

- HEY! Love Docta! come and help me whit the beer! Louis yells at Harry 

- OKEY! im coming! haha i better run but you can go and just.. do what you want Harry says before he walks over to Louis 

When everyone is sitting around the table and playing a round of poker just for fun the boys start to ask Harry an me about us 

- So how did you to meet? Liam asks as he take a card 

- Harry saved me from bleeding to death after that some girls hit me.. 

- what? hit you? when? where? why? Niall asks 

- haha yes it´s some girls at my school they often hit me but im just ignor them 

- Okey but why wuld they hit a beautiful girl like you? Zayn asks 

- haha.. Thank you.. and i don´t know we just.... hate etchother 

- okey.. how long have you two ben knowing etchother? Liam asks 

- well for like one day.. i stayd at the hospital and waitet for her and she has a long way home so i thought that she culd sleep her tonigth or untill she feels better, Harry anwsers 

- Oh but Harry! she can be a MAN! havent you learnd to get to know pepole befor you fuck them! Louis Yells and everybody laugh 

- haha, I don´t think she´s a man.. cuz wuld she have boobs then? Harry asks Louis and then for a short while look down at my boobs

- Harry my eyes are on my face! i yells as everybody laugh again 

- Can´t we play cloths poker? Harry asks 

- Yes Louis anwser quikly 

- Harry whats Cloths poker? i ask and is a litle afrid of the anwser 

- The one who loose have to take of all his clohts and show it to the one player who sits on the left side of him

- But i suck on poker.. i say

- i know thats why we are goin to play it and cuz i sitt on your left Harry says as he look e stright in to the eyes and give me a cute smile

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