Chapter 13: Chris

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We made it back to our hotel around 11:30 at night. I was exhausted, I had the best day of my life tonight. It was perfect.

"I had so much fun with you today," Tom said he set down our bags and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I did too. We need to do this more often. Just a day alone, Me and you." I said as I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest.

"Well I don't know about your love, but I am exhausted. I am going to head to bed. You're welcomed to join." Tom said smiling to me as he made his way to the bedroom.

"I'll be there in a couple minutes. I am going to take a shower." I said calling to him from the bathroom.

I turned on the water and stepped in. The hot water felt good on my bare skin. Why did showers just make my stress go away? , all my worries and fears just wash right away. As most people do I do most my thinking when I am in the shower. Sometimes my brain takes over and thinks of things I don't want to think about. For example, I start thinking about Chris. My ex and he is my ex for a reason. I don't like thinking about him at all. He was abusive not physically abusive but verbally. He would call me nasty names. A just knock me down. but before I knew it I was crying, as I think back to all the thing he said to me. I have had enough of this so I turned off the water and got dressed. I sit down in the kitchen area for a bit so I can relax from all the memories that rushed in my head. Usually, I'll make my self-tea. That usually helps calm me down.

After my tea was down brewing I sit at the table and drink it slowly and just breathed calmly so I don't over stress myself. I looked at the clock and it's 1:20 am. Goodness, I must have blanked out, I promised Tom I would be back to bed in a couple minutes. But that seemed to turn into an hour and a half.

I put my teacup into the sink and brushed my teeth then made it into the bed an I wrapped Toms arm around my waist and cuddled up to him. I felt him smile on my neck and felt him squeeze me tight in his arms. It was so good to know that I have him. He will protect me no matter what.

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