- Helmet -
The helmet is black. It looks like a spartan helmet. It enhances your healing and gives you a little more stamina. The trimming is white. The inside has a thin padding (that is gold) so you can take a hit to the head and not have a concussion. It also is unbreakable.
- Body Armor -
The armor has black and white scales on it. Your cape is white with a black pack symbol on the middle and gold trimming. It is unbreakable and magic resistant. It boosts your health and stamina and your attack power. It is also frost proof.
- Boots -
The boots are plate boots with mini knives in the inside for back-up. They are fire proof and ice proof. The trimming is white and the main part is black.
Pack Armory
WerewolfThis is for the pack only. Here, you get armor for training, war, quests, and etc. You even get a war horse. Please, respect the armor and weapons, they took a long time to craft. Thanks and enjoy.