Chapter 6

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* Chapter 6: Roll Over Beethoven *

"Of course he's late.." An unknown boy said before John opened the door. "Of course he's late" John mimicked quietly. I giggled poking him in the side, he then opened the door. "Well boys, I see you couldn't start with out me, because you all knew you'd be nothing." John smirked. They rolled their eyes and looked at me. "Who's she?" The unfamiliar boy asked. "She's Lucy, Paul and George know her." John explained as he got his guitar from the stand in the corner of the room.

The boy stood from the drum stool, "Hi, I'm Pete, Pete Best. You may have heard me as the best." He winked. "Sure you are." I said lightly as I tapped his shoulder. The other boys laughed. "Rejection. Learn it." George murmured. " Paul hit George's arm in a light manner, shushing him.

I guess it was because he was the youngest.. and newer member, he still had to learn what to say and when to say it when it came to Pete and his ego.

I took a seat on the sofa that rested against the wall. Everything was old, but neat and organized. Paul turned up his amp and began tuning with George. "Where's the bassist?" I asked bluntly. "Bathroom, he'll be back." Pete said rather coldly. "Eh, don't have to be rude, she was just teasing you." Paul defended me. I smugly nodded in agreement.

Just then a tall boy with a squareish face waltzed in, he had dark hair, almost black and dark eyes that pierced my very existence. As if I were being examined by his gaze. Yet his eyes seemed kind and close to me even though we were nowhere close.

"Hello, I'm Stuart, but I go by Stu." The boy said as he stared into my eyes and shook my hand lightly. "Oh um, I'm Lucy." John intervened, "Well let's not waste time."

I sat back down, and let them practice. "Ok, why don't we sing Roll over Beethoven? But instead of me, George you sing it?" he turned to George who went pale. "Sure." He unsurely went to the microphone. "Uh 1, 2, 3, 4.." He began to lead the band. George's voice was rather interestingly odd, in the sense that it was unique. Flat, and straight, yet alluring.

As the song was being preformed, John looked adorable, playing the guitar made him look so much more inviting. He smiled as each chord was being executed, from major To minors, from G7's to D7's each chord was to exact point.

The last note rang throughout the room. "That was good! You all sound great." I said as I focused on John. "Thanks." They all replied somewhat gleefully. After a few songs were played John cleared his throat, "Guys you are all free to leave now, we can finish for today." The boys walked off and began to pack their equipment. "Leave the amps here though, so you don't have to bring them back tomorrow." John offered before George could struggle to pick it up. He nodded half smiling and walked off with his case alone.

Paul came over and began to speak with us. "So, for a song I was thinking we could do something like... Oh hi Lucy, I didn't really notice you there for a second." He chuckled. "Yeah, even you didn't believe that.." I joked. His cheeks skipped the pink phase and went straight to crimson. "Yeah.. I know kinda lame. But hey, did you do the Math homework?" He asked sheepishly. I nodded and got the sheet from out of my bag. "Give it back tomorrow before class, okay?" He nodded and scurried off not trying to make it anymore awkward than it was.

"So, you're from London, you like purple, you play bass guitar and cello, and you catch people in lies? What don't you do?" John laughed. "Play the drums, eat asparagus, hate people. I don't do a lot if things really." I retorted. He stuck his tongue out in response, and I tapped his nose laughing. After the laughing ceased gradually, we sat back on the couch and looked at each other, "John?" He sat up right. "Well, why do you want to figure me out so badly?" I asked quietly as if someone were to catch us here. "Well, do you want the truth?" I nodded, "I don't know, I'm just drawn to you and I want to figure you out so badly." John replied half heartedly as if he were hiding something from me. I pushed the thought to the back if my mind.

"Oh, well I would do the same except I can't." John raised an eyebrow to my answer. "Well, why not?" He asked. "Well, if you figure someone out, then the excitement is gone. You loose interest in learning about them." I explained. He nodded and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Well then, I guess you'll be the exception." I felt my cheeks beginning to turn pink.

"Well what are we gonna do now?" I asked looking around the room. "Well, we could play a game." John smirked lightly. I raised an eyebrow in question of his choice in words.



Ooh Cliffhanger 😉

So what do you guys think? Please leave comments! I won't write A/N often but please tell me your opinions and stuff!

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