That's The Bad Girl Celeste (1)

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F*ck me, f*ck my life, f*ck every one around me.

"Honey please get out of the car, were here" Jen said frustrated. 

But I didn't move not one bit, I was pissed off and no one and I mean no one was going to calm me down.

"Don't call me honey, and no Jen I want to go home" I stated, I want to go back to my father.

"This is your home now!" she yelled

"Oh hell no, puta! esto no es mi casa y nunca lo será maldita pendeja!"

(Translation: b!tch! this is not my house and never will be you damn a$$hole)

"Don't speak to me like that tu eres mi hija y me vas respetart!" 

(Translation: You are my daughter and you will respect me)

I laughed "Listen closely YOU.ARE.NOT.MY.MOTHER!" I yelled "and you never will be, why the f*ck did you come and get me?! I was better off living with dad then a wh*re like you" I spat venomously.

"You're staying here no matter what you say and that's final! So you better start liking it sweetheart cause you aren't going anywhere anytime soon, sorry to break it to you hun but I own you, you are my daughter and you are mine, so either get out and in that house or I'll have to do it the hard way" she smirked

She pushed it to far, my face was inches from her's I put on my deadly face, I could see it in her eye's she was scared and that is exactly what I wanted.

"I guess it'll be the hard way wh*re, cause I'm not moving" 

She didn't waste any time, she unbuckled her seatbelt and left, without another word. I smirked victory was mine.

Suddenly there was a knock on the car window, he was a tall buff man, but I bet he couldn't see me these car windows were tinted.

The car door's unlocked behind the tall buff man stood my mother. 

He opened the door, next thing I knew I was being yanked out of the car and thrown over his shoulder.

I felt like Fiona in Shrek, first thought that came to mind I feel you Fiona I feel you girl.

"Jerry, my daughter Celeste Mai Grey" my mother said to the freakishly tall and buff man, did I mention he was tall like really tall.

"Celeste Mai Grey, this is Jerry Lin" my mother said "be polite and say hello"

"Me? Be polite, well you see wh*re- I mean Jen, when a person basically treats you like a prisoner or trash you usually don't say hello, what you want to do is scream"

"Scream what exactly?" Jen said growing frustrated


The neighbors began whispering around gave Jen a questioning look.

Jen turned from a tan to ghost white, she smiled weakly "Kid's these days always being dramatic right?" 

I heard a few restrained chuckles, but more importantly I heard Jerry laugh, not loud enough for Jen to hear but enough for me to hear.

As we made our way into the house 

Jerry threw me on the sofa once we were inside

Jen gave me the most deadliest look possible.

"So I guess this is where you kill me right?" I placed a hand over my head fanning myself dramatically "Make it quick please, I'd like to talk with the big man and talk about your placement in hell, thank you very much"

That's The Bad Girl  CelesteWhere stories live. Discover now