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Chapter seven

Anderson was just a normal boy. He didn't pay any attention to girls. He loved going to church, school and loved his family and friends.

Everyone loved him. He was always nice to everyone. He wasnt like the other kids. He didn't take any drugs and had never drank alcohol in his life.

He didn't have an high IQ but he always tried his best in his studies. What happened to him, he didn't deserve it.

Anderson was a senior. He was getting ready to take the comet test. He was studying too hard. He wasn't getting enough sleep. He really wanted to pass the comets.

It was after weeks since he took the test. He went to his counselor and picked up his package. He opened it and was happy he passed. And he was going to National. His friends had passed the test too and they were begging Anderson they should celebrate.

Anderson decided it was time for him to start enjoying life. So he agreed with his friends and they went to the river.

After two years

Anderson was already in his second year in college. He was enjoying his life. He greeted everyone in the morning on his way to class. He did everything that was expected of him, whether in school or at home.

But one thing is, he didn't join his friends when they would drink on or outside campus grounds. He had tried it and that was his first and last.

He was just like any normal person. A very cheerful normal person.

It all started one night.

Anderson was sleeping when he heard a faint voice.

" Anderson... Anderson.. You have a greater calling. You have the power to heal. "

The next morning he went about his day normally. But the voice kept repeating in his head, but he just ignored it. Then night came and it was time to sleep. He was sleeping when the voice came again.

" Anderson.. You are him. I am in you. Go forth and tell everyone. "

The next day, Anderson started to act strange. He refused to socialite with anyone. He walked all by himself. He still greeted everyone but he wasn't his cheery self anymore.

Every day that went by, it goes from bad to worse. He started believing in the voice. He told everyone that he could heal anyone and he was the only way to heaven. And kept repeating to everyone that there is someone who was always with him. But no one paid any attention to him. They thought he was taking drugs. But how could he be smoking marijuana now, when he was normal he didn't even smoke cigarettes? People made lies about him. People talked behind his back.
He had friends that smoked weed but he was abstinence from any drugs. People refused to think that his soul might be lost. That he was calling for help from within. They refused to acknowledge that there might be something sinister going on with him.

He grew angrier everyday. He stopped going to school. He stopped hanging with friends. He stopped spending time with his families. He just went and dropped everything.

Everyday he would leave clues in his words that he was possessed but no one cared. No one listened. People grew afraid of him. He was a walking bomb.

He started visiting the river at the back of the school. Everyday he would go to the river and stay there until morning and walked back to his house. He no longer recognized anyone.
He told everyone that he was married. His wife was the most beautiful woman he has seen.
" I am married. You cannot stop me. I will go to her. She is waiting for me. " He told his mom.

" Anderson, you're not married. You are sick. You cannot keep on going with your life like this. What happened to you? " She asked him.

But he just smirked and left. He wasn't the cheerful child that she had raised.

So everyday Anderson with go to the river. He is lost. He was no longer the Anderson everyone loved but the Anderson that lih mwodeleng loved. He was completely under her spell.

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