still a mystery

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There was this house in nett,it was also beside a river. There was a couple who lived in this house. They didn't have any kids.
The couple loved their house. They loved the river as well. They loved their little garden that they made. They loved everything about their little territory.

Then wife loved sitting on the balcony and look out to the river. She sometimes did her work there in her laptop.

One night, the wife went out to the balcony and sat there. She opened her laptop and started working on the machine. The husband was already asleep. She was alone out there, facing the river.

She was looking at her laptop when she heard a voice calling to her. The voice came from the river. She looked toward the river, it was dark she couldn't see anything.

Then the voice came again. It was starting to annoy her. She decided she was going to go see who was that.

She walked toward the river, carrying her flashlight, she looked and turned everywhere but there was no one there.

She returned to continue her work on her laptop on the balcony. The voice never came again. She was convinced that it might be just her imagination.

It was the witching hour by now but she was still sitting outside. Suddenly she felt the hair on the back of her neck standing. It was cold. She felt like there was someone watching her.

She looked up there was a woman dress in red standing on the backyard looking at the river. She had long hair with flowers on it.

"Hey!" The wife called.
But the woman didn't pay any attention to her.
    " Hey!"
Still nothing.
The wife decided she was going down there to see who that was.

She ran to where she saw the woman was standing, but she was not there anymore. She was standing beside the river now. The wife ran to where she was now, but when she reached there, she was gone again. The woman looked to the other side of the river, lih mwodeleng was standing there. The wife crossed the river and the same thing kept on happening until the wife was lost. She couldn't go back to her home because she didn't know the way back.

It was morning , the husband realized that he was alone in their bedroom. He went to the balcony ,his wife was not there but her laptop was on the chair. He called for her. Searched for her. Nothing. He decided that maybe she went out to the stores. But the car was parking outside.

" Hmmm..Maybe she walked." He told himself.

But noon came then night came..But the wife hasn't returned yet. He started to panic.

"Maybe she left me" he told himself.
" No, her stuffs are still here."

He decided he was going to contact the authorities to look for his wife.

It was after three days, they were still searching for his wife. No one has seen the wife . The husband thought that maybe she just left him. He was going to give up when a  police officer told him that someone had just called that they saw a woman lying at the back of one of the houses on the other side of the river.

" They already took the woman to the hospital but she's in a coma now." The officer told the husband.

The husband identified that the body was his wife. She had bruises on her skin and Scratches on her hands. The man wanted to know who could do that to his wife. But no one really knows .

Some said that she was kidnapped by some locals but the question is why would they kidnap her and leave the laptop?

Some say that it was the work of the lihmwodeleng.

What really happened? No one knows. Only the wife knows what happened to her. But she couldn't talk because shes in a coma.

Everyone will have to wait for her to wake up to retell her own story of who took her.

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