Chapter 9 ☯ Girlfriend

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uM YEAH, I thought to myself as I tried to control how fast my pulse raised.

"Yes! Ethan." I breathed, burying my face into his chest, breathing in his cologne. He pulled me close and we sat there, hugging. 

I felt safe in his arms. I don't know why but whenever I was with him my mind was at ease. He helped me with a lot of stress and he doesn't even know it.

When I finally raised my head to take a breath, I shifted my gaze back out to the magnificent view in front of us, noticing how rapidly the sun was fading. "Its getting really dark now, should we go?" I calmly questioned. "Are you hungry?" Ethan smirked, "Um, yeah why?" I replied kind of excited that he prepared something for us. "Wellll... I was thinking we could go get Mcdonald's or something because I can down like 15 hash browns right now." He smiled and stood up. 

The warmth immediately left my body. "Oh, sure." Did I really think that Ethan would cook? He can't even make a sandwich without it backfiring. I chuckled internally before helping him pack up the blanket and stuffing it into the beach bag he brought. 

"That'll be $37.50." smiled the girl behind the counter. She seemed like she was secretly judging us for buying 15 hash browns at 8pm but honestly, I couldn't care less. We were about to eat hash browns and I was beyond excited. 

We received the hash browns and left Mcdonald's with big grins on our faces. Ethan and I ended up walking to the nearby park, entering  the playground and sitting quietly on the swing set. Making each hash brown disappear, one by one...

"That was awesome." He laughed, throwing his head back like he always does, causing me to smile. 

"I agree, but we should probably head back now. My mother probably sent out a search party for me by now." I went to go stand up to throw the Mcdonald's bag in the bin but right before I took a second step to walk past Ethan he grabbed my waist pulling me toward him on the swing. 

"AH" I shouted instantly loosing balance and landing on the floor. I wiped my hands and stood up, quite pissed off to raise my sight to Ethan who was laughing hysterically. When he finally opened his eyes, he saw how unimpressed I was and his smile faltered. 

"Oh, that was... an accident." he stated. Failing miserably to lie to my face. I sighed heavily before turning on my heels, ready to actually leave, but before I could take another step, his arms were once again wrapped around my waist pulling me toward him.

But this time instead of falling I landed right on his lap. My breath hitched in my throat.

"I'm so glad to call you mine." He whispered before letting go and smiling, back to his usual self. 

I'm sorry what?

I could no longer think straight, my head went fuzzy and I think I forgot how to breathe as I was walking to the bin, no longer able to hide the full-blown crimson intruding my cheeks.

I threw the bag in the bin, lingering there a little bit before returning to the swing and sitting down silently. We continued to talk as normal, as if that little encounter never happened. I'm glad that it wasn't awkward but still. I have never, ever felt that way before.

A few more minutes passed before we decided to head home. Ethan and I hugged before departing into our own houses. I truly had the most amazing night of my life.


Hello to aNYONE who still reads this book

I am so sorry it took me 6 months to update 1 chapter lmao

If you think I should continue writing this book please comment because I was going to start a new fanfic about another person but I'm not sure if there are people actually reading this book so I don't want to just end it.

If this is the last chapter though I would like to thank the 1.6 K people who actually read it.

Thank you ♡

The Boy Next Door ~ Ethan KarpathyWhere stories live. Discover now