chapter 2

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chapter 2

''WATCH WERE YOUR GOING, GOTH'' a boy yells from his car who I am guessing goes to rivertin high with me. I'm the only GOTH to ever roam the halls of rivertin high. Which lead me to have my one and only true best friend, June. She sort of what you call a ''girly goth,'' which is half girly girl and half goth. Her home is my sort of what you call a safe haven for me.

"June, I really need to talk to you" I yelled while banging on the door. I swear that girl is fucking death. "Junie"

" I swear violet if you ever call me Junie again I will make you go to the one direction concert" June literal screamed out her window. No were near the door!

"Ugh...fine just don't make me go to one direction concert but anyway I really need to talk to you" right as I finish the door flew open. Making me fall flat on my butt.

"Hah- you- fell- haha" laughing in between the words as she double over clutching her stomach.

" June, can you be serious just for a moment please "I practically begged. I stood and went to lay on the couch. after five freaking minutes of laughing, June came in , sat on the floor and as sweetly as she could ''so tell me vi what the is the matter" you could definitely tell we friends.

"oh junie, I think I'm MOVING" there was a few seconds of silence. When all of a sudden I heard a high pitch scream. my ear drums were about to burst then there was nothing but silence. I thank the lord haven.

'' violet '' oh Shiz

''yes, my dearest friend''

''there no way I ever let you move even if I have to kill you, got that'' she threaten me. She literally threaten

''yeah '' I mumbled '' got it''

'' now lets do something before I rip you head off'' as she jump up and down in way you could say happy I guess. when we got to her room ,which toke us an hour because nobody can stand between June and her food, she walked over to her desk and grab a little silver box.

" happy birthday vi" sounding over joyed

" June I hate to brake it to you but its not my birthday" I trying so hard to keep my laughter in.

" but its on Friday and I know that for a fact" she sounded really proud of herself for knowing that

" yeah, its Sunday not Friday'' I pointed out for her. I guess she doesn't know what today is. that is really sad

" just take the present, will you" I snatch it away. sighing, I slowly open the silver box and there in it was a small bracelet. With blue knots all around with one little skull in the middle. It was the prefect gift. I was speechless. it felt like forever before I look up and when I did, June gave me a small smile.

"oh, junie, if we weren't friends I don't think I could live my life" and the sad thing is that it was true. I couldn't live my life without her. It would be all too hard.


A few hours later, I still didn't want to go home because if I do those people, who I think are classified as insane, will think I want to be part of the whole mess. June made me leave though, something about her having an hour alone and I wasn't going to ruin it. So, as I drove out of the drive way I decided that I have to face those people someday and I guess that day was today. I just hope that no one gets hurt physically and emotionally. Who am I kidding, I'm a goth and we got NO emotions.

When I got home it looked like everyone gone home except for one particular person. I walked up to the door, shaking as I try to unlock it. once in, I was practically ran to my bed room door but I was so close when I heard " violet, will you please explain your outburst to me and your grandmother?"

" of course mother I would love to" using my maybe I can get out of this voice the best I could." I think both of you are wrongly accusing me, I was expressing my feelings to you. I hope you understand that, I don't want to move at all. not even across the street. I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way" oh, I hope to god that worked.

"I'm glad to now your sorry but its still not right to say those thing in front of the whole family" my mother ,if you haven't already notice, wants everyone to think the best of her. when really I couldn't care less." also you are grounded for lets say three weeks" and there's the catch.

I nodded as nicely as I could and walked the rest of the way to my room. " it was not an outburst" I mumble As I was shutting the door. moments later, I heard someone softly crying. Did I really upset her that bad. sighing, I fell on my bed and total darkness took over.


I don't know exactly when I woke up but my whole body was shaking like I was freezing. I sat up in bed and started feeling warm tears gliding down my face and into my lap. I DON'T GET WHATS GOING ON HERE!! I screaming in my head over and over again. Once I was calm, I immediately called June.

"violet, you better have a good reason for calling me at three in the morning" her words sound furious but her voice was so soft

"June I don't know what is going on but I woke up shaking and crying. I haven't cried since I was a child" I felt like I was about to burst into another round of tears.

"oh ,violet I think you need to stop bottling your feelings and go full out into tears. you haven't said anything to anyone since everything happen" and I burst . I couldn't stop crying until June's voice pulled me back to reality. " violet, tell me what's wrong "

" I-I...I just can't handle it all at once, I guess" I don't guess, I know. It all came at once: the bulling , my parents divorce, mom depression, Jason, my big brother, telling us he never wanted to see us ever again, and lastly June's and mines best friend, ivy , died before anything in our lives actually happen


Authors note: if I do say so my self I think I'm getting BETTER at this whole story thing.

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