chapter 4

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authors note:

sorry it toke forever ever to write this chapter . I been so 'not' busy or had a writers block as you call it with this book. anyway, let me remind you that the story is going to get more inserting I promise. enough of that on ward with the story.

he-he I said on ward

chapter 4

I hate waking up in the afternoons. It always feels like I missed the whole day with a blink of an eye. But here I am waking up at six at night, I literally sleep though school. Ugh if I didn't have to go to the movies, I would just sleep into tomorrow but with a force I got up.

I walked into my bathroom to fix my hair and other things. When, I reached up to pull out my ponytail, I saw my wrist had fabric wrap around them.

Weird, I don't remember doing this. I don't remember anything after I passed out. "Well I might as well go with it" I shrugged it off the thought.

Leaving the bathroom, I decide that I might as well go down stairs.

I walk into the living room to see my brother watching a realty tv show. " Wow, why are you watching realty show?" I really did want to know. the brother I known didn't watch these kinds of things.

" Umm..i.i..... I didn't know you were awake. how is Your wrist?" he didn't look at Me when he talked . I want to explain what happen but I know he won't believe me.

" Oh, fine I guess" I was challenging him to say something with out actual saying it. I know he's about to crack, you just have to give it a second.

Wait for it.........wait for iiiiiiitttt

" Ok, I guess there no point of beating around the bush. so here it goes. violet, are you or are you not coming to live me......and why are you cutting yourself?...........violet please tell me". He had the most worried face you would ever seen. I felt bad for making him worry but I still had two question nagging at me.

" Jason I'll tell you anything you want to know but you'll Answer my questions first." I Tried to sound Stern but I quiver more then I liked.

He finally look up at me and nodded.

" Alright" I continued" what happen to moms plans of moving and also why do you want me to live with you, huh?" the more confidant I got, the more I saw his face drop.

" about that...." he started but of course didn't continue. god, is he like this all the time? how did he even find a wife? Have you notice my lack of patience, yet?

"spit it out already, I have to leave by eight" I guess he saw my annoyed look when he sighed in defeat.

" Well the thing is, your mother only wanted to move because she know I was coming to get you. for me I want you to live with me because dad is back and you know that mom can't protect you and her from him. Since I answered you questions, you answer mine."

He's getting redder and redder by the second. I couldn't help but laugh. "this is no laughing matter, violet!" he screeched the last part.

Whoa, whoa Wait 'dad'

" d-da-d's b-back" I was frozen solid. he's back, the monsters back. oh god, what am I going to do? I'm going to have to live with Jason but I don't want that. I also don't want to see my dad after what happen last time-

Flash back:

I was 13 and Coming home from a sleep over I was over joyed. stepping inside the house once again I can hear my parents fighting. It's a normal routine for them. instead of listing to them, I went to my room. Turning on my music, I decided to do homework.

An hour later, I finished homework and they were finished fighting. (nothing was wrong, it was out of know were) all of a sudden my dad came into my room slamming my door.

" You bitch, you did this" you could hear the anger rolling off of him. I'm scared out of my mind but I'm me and I said something.

"What did I do?" Looking at him curiously, I stood up. that was a bad idea. he throw me to the floor.

" Don't fucking question me" he twist my arm and throw me to the ground repeatedly. again and again he did this, until I guess he got bored with me so he broke my wrist.

Instead of continuing on me, he went down stairs. not five minutes later I heard my mothers screams of pain.

End of flash back:

Jason came home after an hour of beating to both me and my mother. Jason got dad to leave and toke us to the hospital. Later I found out my mother told him that she wanted a divorce and he wasn't to happy about that. the police have been searching for him since but had no such luck.

How does Jason know that dads back?

" violet answer my questions please" my brother quivering voice interrupted my thoughts.

" Oh yeah, sure" I was still a little bit off distance if you haven't happen to notice.

" Violet, hello" he was sapping his fingers in my face.

" Oh yeah, I guess I'll live with you ' after school ends' and That was the first time I ever cut my wrists, ok. are we all good now? I've got to go get ready." I was beyond done with this conversation.

" Oh ok, that great I guess?" He was very and I mean very unsure of what to do. I could tell. With that I got ready to go to the stupid movies.



I really am I didn't mean to take this long on a short chapter. it's also boring to but the interesting parts are a coming I promise. oh also I kind of messed this up so if your on your phone reading this you might have to go to table of contents to get to chapter 5

I Dont Care: a short storyWhere stories live. Discover now