Minerva McGonagall...

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Lord Voldemort's Inner Circle:
Hadrian Riddle née Preverell  - The Queen
Lucius Malfoy - The Dark Lord's Right Hand
Narcissa Malfoy née Black - Healer
Bellatrix LeStrange née Black - Torturer
Rodolphus LeStrange - Torturer
Rabastan LeStrange - Torturer
Evan Rosier - Ministry Informant and Interrogator
Tadeus Nott - Ministry Informant and Interrogator
Bartemius Crouch Jr. - Interrogator
Xenophilius Lovegood- Publicist and Researcher
Severus Snape - Potions Master and Order Insider and Hogwarts Insider
The Queen's Court:
Rowan Preverell : Spider - Interrogator and Torturer
Verity Nott née Preverell : Fate - Interrogator and Torturer and Metamorphagus
Hermione Malfoy née Franqui : Raven - Researcher and Torturer
Neville LeStrange : Poison - Herbologist and Torturer
Luna LeStrange née Lovegood : Eclipse - Seer
Draco Malfoy : Dragon - Hogwarts Insider and Recruiter
Theodore Nott : Shadow - Hogwarts Insider and Recruiter
William Weasley : Gold - Gringotts Insider and Order Insider
Fleur Weasley née Delacour : Flower - Veela Connection and Healer
Charlie Weasley : Charmer - Order Insider and Dragon Expert
Percy Weasley : Suit - Minister Insider and Order Insider
George Weasley : Yang - Order Insider and Experimenter
Fred Weasley : Yin - Order Insider and Experimenter
Sirius Black : Padfoot - Torturer
Remus Black née Lupin : Moony - Werewolf Connection and Torturer

Narrator's POV

Shortly after the new year began at Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall did something that surprised everyone.

Severus —who still had his job at Hogwarts much to Dumbledore's disdain— reported that Minerva had contacted the Minister.

Lucius confirmed Snape's words and said that Minerva wanted Albus out of the Headmaster position since he was using Hogwarts as the Order's base and was neglecting his job.

The School's Board of Governors agreed that Dumbledore would be removed from his position and that Minerva would be the new Headmistress and Severus Snape would be her Assistant Headmaster.

The board also had Dumbledore pay a fine of 5000 Galleons for using Hogwarts as the Order's base.


New Headmistress of Hogwarts: Dumbledore is Removed.

Minerva McGonagall has been named the new Headmistress of Hogwarts last week when the School's Board of Governors learned that Albus Dumbledore had been using Hogwarts as his followers' , the Order of the Phoenix, headquarters and that he had been ignoring his duties as Headmaster and leaving them to Mrs. McGonagall.

Evan Rosier, father of the fifth year Slytherin Louis Rosier, says "Dumbledore also had been showing extreme favoritism towards the Gryffindors, who most of which are children of his followers and extreme bias towards the Slytherin's by constantly giving them harsh detentions for no reasons, consistently taking large amounts of points, canceling their Qudditch games and encouraging other houses to bully them. He had been encouraging children to fight each other instead of doing the opposite which is what a Headmaster has to do. These children are being included in a private war that they legally shouldn't be a part of."

These children, who are growing in every way, are being hated upon by someone they should be able to confide in.

Dear people, imagine your small children getting into fights with each other because an old man wants to get his fix?

My son, Jacob Skeeter, who a second year Hufflepuff claims that Dumbledore ignores Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw as well.

I, personally, think that removing him from his position was an excellent idea.

For years, we have been allowing Albus Dumbledore to teach students from all different families and backgrounds, some of which are also he Death Eaters.

Imagine these poor children being bullied by other simply because of which side  their parents are loyal to while the other side's children are adored?

Minerva McGonagall, who is a neutral witch, has promised that that all ends now, both side's children will be treated with respect like all the others.

Dumbledore claims that the School Board has made a mistake and will give him back his position soon —which for all our sake's I hope never happens.

Rita Skeeter, Special Correspond to the Daily Prophet...

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