The Trial of Albus Dumbledore...

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Lord Voldemort's Inner Circle:
Hadrian Riddle née Preverell - The Queen
Lucius Malfoy - The Dark Lord's Right Hand
Narcissa Malfoy née Black - Healer
Bellatrix LeStrange née Black - Torturer
Rodolphus LeStrange - Torturer
Rabastan LeStrange - Torturer
Evan Rosier - Ministry Informant and Interrogator
Tadeus Nott - Ministry Informant and Interrogator
Bartemius Crouch Jr. - Interrogator
Xenophilius Lovegood- Publicist and Researcher
Severus Snape - Potions Master and Hogwarts Insider
The Queen's Court:
Rowan Preverell : Spider - Interrogator and Torturer
Verity Nott née Preverell : Fate - Interrogator and Torturer and Metamorphagus
Hermione Malfoy née Franqui : Raven - Researcher and Torturer
Neville LeStrange : Poison - Herbologist and Torturer
Luna LeStrange née Lovegood : Eclipse - Seer
Draco Malfoy : Dragon - Hogwarts Insider and Recruiter
Theodore Nott : Shadow - Hogwarts Insider and Recruiter
William Weasley : Gold - Gringotts Insider and Order Insider
Fleur Weasley née Delacour : Flower - Veela Connection and Healer
Charlie Weasley : Charmer - Order Insider and Dragon Expert
Percy Weasley : Suit - Minister Insider and Order Insider
George Weasley : Yang - Order Insider and Experimenter
Fred Weasley : Yin - Order Insider and Experimenter
Sirius Black : Padfoot - Torturer
Remus Black née Lupin : Moony - Werewolf Connection and Torturer

Narrator's POV

Dumbledore was dragged by several Death Eaters into the courtroom and chained him to a chair.

Death Eaters poured veritaserum into Albus' mouth as Judge Wayne sat down.

"What is your full name?" Judge Wayne tested

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore." Dumbledore flatly answered

"How do you plead." Judge Wayne sarcastically asked

"Innocent. All I did was for the greater good." Albus replied

"Do you admit to forcing Former-Minister Fudge to pass bills for you?"

"Yes." Albus answered

"Do you admit to having intimate relations with Dark Lord Gellert Grindlewald?"


"Do you admit to three occasions of kidnapping infants: Neville LeStrange, Luna LeStrange née Lovegood, and Hermione Malfoy née Franqui?"


"Do you admit to preventing four children, three of which were mentioned previously and Hadrian Riddle née Preverell from learning the identities of their soulmates?"


"Do you admit to killing your sister, Ariana Dumbledore, and your mother, Kendra Dumbledore, with the Killing Curse?"


"Do you admit to trying to get the late and soulmateless Ginerva Weasley to pair up with the soulmated Hadrian Riddle for you own benefit?"


"Were you aware that the Potters were neglecting three of their four children?"


"Jury what do you think?" Judge Wayne asked the crowd

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