Chapter Ten

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   Harry watched, his heart in his throat. Malfoy was looking at his hands as he worked, so he didn't see Harry staring at him. He might not even have been aware of Harry's chest rising and falling heavily, or the deep swallow he needed to take after he started salivating. But that wasn't purely a result of his arousal.

Malfoy had a long scar that ran across his torso, from his left shoulder to the tip of his right hip. Harry remember how carefully he had taken that shot a year and a half ago, ensuring that the bullet had only grazed Malfoy's chest and not mortally wounded him. He had only intended to slow him down, not kill him after all. But he had never stopped to think that his enemy would still be carrying the scar with him; a permanent reminder of Harry, wherever he went.

The thought that Harry was now a small part of him made his skin tingle as he processed the rush of thoughts in the time it took for Malfoy to undo his trousers. Not one to be out done though, Harry lifted his hands, forcing them not to tremble as he slid the zip down on Malfoy's own fly. Almost as one, they both shoved downwards, then kicked their legs free, pulling their socks with them.

Harry picked his trousers up and meticulously inspected every pocket, down the seams, and then along the turn-ups at the bottom, his eyes flicking up at regular intervals to watch Malfoy doing the same. Sure enough, they both retracted one last bug each, and with no small amount of satisfaction, dropped them into the remaining inch of vodka.

Which just left the two men stood facing one another in their smalls, panting softly after their exertion. Malfoy may have been slender, but now Harry could see just how sculpted his body was. There wasn't an ounce of fat to be had on him, the clean lines of his muscles well defined, the rose-pink scar slightly raised as it intersected between his pectorals. He had dusky pink nipples that were budded into pert nubs, a long, likable neck, and it was easy to see the swell of his manhood under the tightly fitted underwear. He wasn't fully erect, but, like Harry, he wasn't completely disinterested either.

Harry watched his eyes trail over Harry's own slightly fuller form, his expression not giving anything away, but there was obvious interest from the way his gaze lingered over his abdomen and his chest. Well, Harry thought. You only live once, don't you?

He stepped forward, and cupped the bulge between Malfoy's legs. "Don't you think we should be thorough old chap?" he asked. He rubbed his palm against the cotton of the briefs he was suggesting be removed, his gaze locked unflinchingly with Malfoy's.

It happened so fast Harry wasn't fully aware he'd been picked up until his legs were wrapped around Malfoy's waist, his large hands supporting Harry's arse as he walked him backwards, slamming Harry's back into the wall as his mouth crashed into Harry's.

Harry's hands flew up and tangled into his thick blond hair, his tongue thrusting forwards to meet Malfoy's. He kissed like he fought; hard and dirty, claiming not just Harry's lips but his breath as well. Harry moaned and squeezed his thighs tightly around Malfoy's middle, pulling at his hair as he tilted his head to get a better angle for their passionate embrace.

As it transpired, kissing a man wasn't an entirely different experience to kissing a woman. The principles were all the same. Except, Harry couldn't say he'd ever kissed someone who appeared hell bent on devouring his whole lower jaw. Malfoy was still propping him up under his backside with one hand, but with the other he cupped the side of his face with his strong, long fingers, holding Harry still as his lips and tongue lapped and sucked at his mouth with ferocious intent.

This was a different kind of fucking, he supposed. But its masculine nature wasn't off-putting like he had imagined it would be. It was invigorating and immediately addicting.

Malfoy stepped back, turned, and deposited Harry on top of the bed. Harry let out something that might have been a squeak as he bounced on the mattress, but he was soon too busy looking up at Malfoy crawling over him to be embarrassed.

"Is this thorough enough?" he asked. His darkened and swollen lips quirked into a lopsided smile. Harry could only stare as he hooked his fingers under the waistband of his briefs, and yanked them down in one fluid motion. Harry's hands were flopped by his head as he watched Malfoy drink him in, completely naked.

He was hard now, there was no denying his obvious want. And from the looks of it, Malfoy approved, running one finger up his length as if testing it.

Harry sucked in a breath between histeeth. "Not," he croaked. He fumbled with his hand for the band of Malfoy'sunderwear, spurred into action with his determination to even the footing. "Not quite."  

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