Chapter Twenty Two

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   "Thank you," she said to the director. "From my country to yours, we appreciate this, and share our grief together."

She bid her farewells, and took her leave from M.I.6. It was important she not appear hurried, but she also knew she had a small timeframe with which to work in.

Potter's apartment was in Hammersmith, meaning she would have to cross the river. A cab would get her there in half an hour, depending on traffic, but if she took the tube she would be less at risk from being spotted. She didn't know who might want to know where he and Draco were, now they were retired. Even their own governments couldn't be trusted to leave them alone.

Within the hour, she was letting herself in with the key Potter had entrusted her with, quietly slipping into the West London flat. So, this was where Draco had been living? Her eyes trailed over the carefully neutral décor. There wasn't much sign a couple had been living here; no photos on the walls or souvenirs of holidays spent together. Their life was carefully hidden away.

Pansy had been sent for one item only. Upon their 'deaths' the two men had been indifferent to almost all of their possessions the had left behind in London. Save one. Potter had tried to press the importance of this item upon her without seeming desperate; Draco had told her he would track her down and break her legs if she didn't retrieve it immediately, then hand deliver it herself at the soonest opportunity.

He was endearing when he got protective. Really, it was very sweet.

The book was exactly where Potter had promised it would be. An exceedingly boring volume on bird migration habits, tucked between a biography on Winston Churchill and a review of Parisian architecture. It was the sort of literary collection designed to allow your gaze to sweep over, and not hold your interest for a moment. Ideal if you wanted to hide something.

Pansy eased the avian hardback free, and let it fall open naturally where it had been bookmarked. Except, it wasn't a bookmark at all.

It was a strip of photos.

Potter had always been a hopeless fool it seemed judging by his ludicrous poses, even before he fell in love. But Draco's expression warmed her heart. He still looked at the ridiculous Englishman as if he was the only person alive that truly mattered.

Pansy carefully slipped the photos back into place, mindful not to smudge the images with her fingers. She liked her legs as they were; unbroken. The strip would not see the light of day until she reached that beach, off the east coast of Madagascar, where she would hand the book over to the happy couple.

Perhaps in their new life, they could frame the four simple images, or at least attach them to the fridge with a magnet like normal people. Pansy may feel relief at not having to see the love Draco and Harry shared every day. But she felt it was about time they saw it indisputably for themselves.

The End

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