Daily reminder 39

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Indeed we human beings, we childrens of Adam we are ungrateful. How can we neglect the one above, the one who knows you more than your parents does?

You said your parents loves you, I say Allah loves you 70 times the love your mother have for you.

Yet we still ignore HIM.
his the one that say " oh my selve, if you were to neglect me for years and you come back to me with mountains full of sins, I will come back to with mountains full of mercy.

That the LORD we tend to forget but they never miss one single episodes of our favourite shows.....you but can miss SALAH.

We never miss a single magazine gossips about celebrities but we tend to forget the QUR'AN.

We never miss a single music on our lips but we tend to forget to PRAISE HIM.

Yet His still waiting for your repentance!

My dear sisters, His still waiting for You and ME, so why are we still ignoring Him?

Yes is true Allah is full of mercy but like he mentioned in surah Fussilat, His full of punishment too. Accept Allah's mercy and run away from his punishment.

I'm really sorry if I have offended anyone here. May Allah have mercy on me and you.

I advise myself before anyone because Allah said " Oh you who believe, save yourself from the punishment of the hell and then save your family (loved ones).

Notes: just because I send reminders that doesn't make me a perfect muslimah, in fact I'm the most of sinners. For that may Allah forgive me and you.

Dua request: don't forget me in your prayers with the Muslims umma.

Instagram: Dawah4everyone (reminders
Instagram 2: habibtiiii2 (personal)

Thank you.

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