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she was pulled from her trance at the sound of Shawn's voice he had reached across the table his fingers dangling just above the other half of her sandwich "Is that a yes?"

"To what?" Abby questioned staring at him with confusion written all over her face

"Can I have the other half?" Shawn wondered nodding his head towards Abby's ham and cheese sandwich 

"Oh." She responded shrugging "Sure."

"Thank you, I guess what they say about breakfast being the most important meal of the day is true because I missed breakfast this morning and my stomach growled so loud in chemistry class today Abby you should've heard it I was so embarrassed and not to mention stomach pains from not eating are killer I'm never skipping breakfast again." Shawn explained as he took ahold of the sandwich and took a bite from it. "God, I'm gonna miss this so much." Shawn spoke between chewing the food

Usually Abby would call him out for being gross but today sadness was overrunning her heart to the point that she just couldn't.

"Miss what, eating my sandwiches?" She joked in an attempt to cover up her deep despair

"Yes." Shawn quickly spoke "Wait, no I mean yes you have some good sandwiches but I mean I'm gonna miss this as in us eating lunch together."

"Me too." Abby whispered "You know that's one thing we haven't really talked about.."

"What?" Shawn inquired as he scarfed down the last bit of the sandwich he had left

"What does this mean for us?" Abby placed her half eaten slice of the sandwich down onto a napkin and looked at shawn "Our relationship at least."

"I don't know.." he replied "I haven't really thought about that.."

"Me either." Abby whispered

she found herself staring at shawn sadly.

she didn't want him to leave

because as soon as he did her whole world would flip upside down.

and she would become the same



introverted person she was before shawn had walked into her life

and she wasn't ready to become that person again


"Yeah?" She replied

"You okay? you keep zoning out?" Shawn wondered his eyebrows furrowing together as he looked at her

"Yeah, I'm fine." Abby lied smiling halfway "I'm just thinking that's all."

"About what?"

"Nothing." She shook her head and kept her attention focused on the lunch table 

but she and shawn both knew that, that nothing was keyword for everything.

"Abby what's wrong?"

her eyes were squeezed shut tight, her soft pink lips parted slightly as she slowly looked up tears welling in the corners of her brown eyes as she pressed out the words

"Shawn, I don't want you to go."

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