Chapter 1 - Did You Have to Leave Me?

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Piece of trash.


Those words swirled around in my head. I remembered her helpless face, draining of life as blood seeped out of the gash of her head. I watched as her eyes rolled desperately in their sockets. I watched as her trembling hand reached up and caressed my face. "Jase..:..." she mumbled deliriously. I watched as her chest rose slowly up and down, up and down...




And then it ceased. She went completely still. Her eyes, once full of life, become dull and glassy. Her hand, raised mid-air, fell to the ground with a thud.

She was gone, just like that. No last words. Nothing. Just a gruesome image of her desperately trying to cling on the last string of consciousness.

You were the reason she died.

If you were't born, she would still be around.

My hand raked through my hair, as I let out an anguished cry

"Make it stop...make it stop! Please..." I hugged my knees and rocked back and forth, whimpering. I waited, and waited, for someone to burst into my room, to tell me it was not my fault, to tell me it was okay.

No such thing happened.

Instead, two figures barged into my room, and snapped, "Jase Arin Flynn, would you please shut the fuck up?" My mother growled, stepping towards me. She lifted her hand, and brought it down to my face.


My face jerked to the side, a red mark branding my face. My bottom lip trembled, and tears threatened to spill out of my eyes again. "Hell with you, you tyke." My Father sneered.

"Yeah, go ahead and cry like the baby you are, Jasey. What kind of man cries? Go ahead and cry till you die. No one would miss you." She sneered, lips curling up in disgust.

A tear slid down my cheeks. "Do you want to know why?" She snickered. "It's because you're a murderer. You hear that? That's what you are. A murderer. You don't deserve to live, after what you did to your sister. I hope you die."

On that happy note, she whirled around and slammed the door shut.

Once she was gone, the floodgates opened. I curled up into a ball and sobbed. Sobbed for my sister, the mental abuse, the unfairness. What did I ever do to deserve all this? Sure, I did not do as well as my sister in school. But what did I do to deserve all those hatred from my parents?

I didn't care. The only thing that i cared, was the fact that my sister was dead. Forever.

"Jade, are you done? You're taking way too long just to prepare for this!" I hollered up the stairs. I heard a grunt, and a door opening. "Coming!" Jade grumbled. She had her skateboard tucked under her arm, hair swept up in a messy ponytail. I rolled my eyes. "Quick, Jade. I don't want to be late!" I said, stepping out of the door, putting the skateboard beneath my foot. Today was Jade's birthday, and we were celebrating it in the park. There was an occasion going on, something about a skateboarding competition. Jade and I were skateboard champions, and were excited to take part in this competition.

A grin lit up her features as she too slid the skateboard beneath her foot. "Race you there, moron." She smirked.

"I'll definitely win. I always win." I shot back.

She gasped, a look of mock hurt on her face. "Oh come on, Jasey. Just because your older than me by two minutes doesn't mean that your always better!"

I laughed. "Yes, yes it does."

Without warning, I stepped on my skateboard and used my right leg to push hard. The wind caressed my face, my jet black hair billowing madly around my face, obscuring my vision. Vaguely, I could hear Jade yelling in outrage, "Stop right there, you cheating asshole!"

Laughter bubbled up my throat as i threw a backward glance at Jade. I stuck out a tongue at her and jeered. "Told you I'll always win!"

The sight of her murderous and slightly constipated face was enough to set me off. Hoots of laughter filled the air as we raced to the park.

Still looking backwards, it was too late to realise that a car was speeding at me, with no intention of slowing down. Jade's face turned from one of murderous to downright horrified. "JASE!" She screeched, putting one foot on the ground and pushed with all her might.

Oblivious, oblivious me. I still did not noticed the car coming towards me until I heard the honks of desperation. My head swivelled to the side, only to be greeted by the approaching car, which was still going in top speed.

You know they say when you are dying, your life flashes in front of you? That exactly was what happened to me. I saw flashes of Jade grinning at me. Then it was one of concern when I fell and scraped my knee. One where I burnt my hand. One where I nearly got knocked over by a bicycle.

"This is the end," I thought. Suddenly a wave of calm washed over me. At least Jade would be fine, right......?

I was wrong.

At that moment, a push caused me to crash to the ground. I realised that the car had not hit me; someone had pushed me away in time.

Unfortunately, that someone was Jade.


She was lying on the ground, blood covering her face. Bits of glass were stuck into her scalp as her face lost Colour, turning paler and paler as the seconds passed.

My breath hitched as i knelt down. "Why did you do that? You stupid, stupid girl." I sobbed.

Her trembling hands reached up and gently caressed my face. "If...if that...was....stu...stupid..." she croaked,"I...i stupid...a...again."

I sobbed harder. This was all my fault. If I was not making fun of her, none of this would have happen. Even worse, today was her birthday. Our birthday.

"Please...please Jade. Please don't leave me. I need you." I cried, gripping her cold hand.

"I...i can't, Jase. well. I....i will you..."


And with that, her hand went limp.

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