Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Season: Summer

Year: 2017

Dark, Darker, Yet Darker, the darkness surrounds me, my heart will never be the same. It all started with my parents, when they started loving my dear sister giving her the best of the best, she was their golden child, the perfect daughter, she was so amazing that they completely forgot about me, ME! THEY USED TO SAY IT'S MY FAULT, MY FAULT I GOT ANGRY, MY FAULT I GOT DEPRESSED, THEY JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND, and now they never will. This is everything that ran through my head as I stand on the ledge looking down at the street below.


Season: Fall

Year: 2017

I growled under my breath, rapidly searching for the alarm clock. Man I hate Mondays. I sighed. I slammed my hand down on the Alarm Clock. I got up, Stretching, preparing for another day of practice. I threw clothes out of my wardrobe, trying to find something to wear. I sighed in relief, Picking out an outfit and placing it neatly on my bed.

I sighed, quickly putting on the outfit

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I sighed, quickly putting on the outfit. I ran to the bathroom, tying my hair into a messy ponytail. I quickly checked the time. 10 minutes late. I mentally slapped myself, grabbing my bag and running out the door. I sprinted for about 15 minutes straight, almost collapsing. "Almost... there... " I gasped for air, sitting down. Just five more minutes I thought. I stood up, regaining my determination I sprinted over to the small basketball court, my heart still pounding.

"You're late punk." Undyne Growled, tapping her foot impatiently.

"S-sorry coach," I stuttered, looking down at my feet. I knew I would be held in. This wasn't the first time. I sighed kicking a couple stones, waiting for a reply.

"1 hour after practice. Now go join in." I took a step back, Watching me, an angry glare plastered on her face.

-=-=-Time Skip cause Hannah~Senpai Doesn't know sports-=-=-

(Y/N: Hannah~Senpai learn le sports! Be social!)

(Hannah~Senpai: Y/N if I was social I wouldn't be writing your life right now. BE GRATEFUL! OR I MIGHT MAKE SANS DIE! HOW WOULD YOU LIKE THAT YOU BITCH HGVDAHSGFUIJASHFUKK)


(Both: Sorry Sensei)

-=-=-ON WITH LE STORY-=-=-

I sighed, looking over at undyne. She was watching me, practicing. Alone. I sighed. I should be at piano now... I groaned in anger, throwing the basketball angrily at the backboard, folding my arms. I looked up to see the ball bounce off the backboard and come straight at my face. I covered my face with the little time I had. But the ball didn't hit me. I slowly looked out from my arms to see the ball hovering in the air above me. I poked it, my eyes filled with wonder. It was surrounded in a blue aura. I continued spinning it in the air, smiling. I yelped as it fell from the air, bouncing on the ground slowly. I turned around to see a small skeleton. He was wearing a white t-shirt, A blue hoodie (Hannah~Senpai: Oooh Flufffyyyyy. Lucy~Sama: STOP IT!!), black shorts and... Slippers? But the thing the interested me the most were his eyes. Completely black with two small white dots in the middle. Then I noticed I had been staring at him. Looking away, clearly embarrassed. I looked up again, slowly walking towards him. He grinned at me as I stood in front of him.

"Heya Kid." He smiled at me as I waved back nervously. I looked back at his eyes, Can I touch them? I thought to myself warily.

"Sure kid." He grinned. My eyes widened.

"Y-You can read thoughts?" I questioned. He raised a 'eyebrow' at me.

"Uhh... No kid you've been talking aloud this whole time..." My whole face went red. Shit... I thought to myself (Hannah~Senpai: You SURE you thought that?) I reached out my hand poking his eye socket in wonder. He just chuckled in response. I smiled at him.

"GET BACK TO PRACTICING PUNK!" I yelped, tripping over. I sighed as I fell on my ass, looking up at sans. I scratched the back of my head nervously, sitting on the ground.

"Well uh back to practice heh...Heh... =_=" I Laugh awkwardly, picking up the basketball.

-=-=-Le Time Skip Cause Hannah~Senpai still can't write sports!-=-=-

I sighed, Picking up my bag. Finally. I can go. I mumbled, turning on my heel. I was almost out of the basketball court until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I quickly turned around to see a familiar short skeleton standing in front of me. I smiled softly at him.

"Hey kid, I uh, Never caught your name." I looked at him closely as he had a small tint of blue across his cheeks.

"Oh... Y/n!" I held out my hand, smiling at him.

"Sans. Sans the Skeleton," He smiled, shaking my hand. I could barely contain my laughter as the sound of a whoopie cushion rung through the air. I suddenly burst into a fit of laughter. I just couldn't contain it. I laughed for a good 30 seconds, finally calming down. I wiped away a few tears of joy as I looked back at sans. My face, still bright red from laughter.

"So Kid. I've been feeling pretty Bonely," You giggled at his pun, smiling brightly. "So I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out. Me and my friends are all hanging out tomorrow so maybe you could come. Y'know. Just a thought." I smiled, nodding.

"Sure, I'll see you then!" I turned around, about to leave when yet again I was tapped on the shoulder. Sans. Again. I sighed, turning around. He quickly poked me, Chuckling. I puffed out my cheeks in annoyance, folding my arms. He smirked, shrugging and bringing his arms back to hang down by his side. I let out a small giggle, waving goodbye. I turned around, skipping out of the basketball court. I smiled as I got to my house, throwing my bag on the floor and falling face first onto my bed. I knew what time it was now... Shopping time.

Hannah~Senpai: Le End!!! Word Count: 1107 Mwahahaaaaaaaaaa Not much happened this chapter but thats fine. We met sans, got a cliffhanger at the start and found out more about Y/n!(Even though its you...) Well Ill see all y'all in the next chapter! Goodbye Beauties and Gentle Beauties!

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