Chapter 5: If I can't cure you, then I'll go down with you

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What did it mean to receive the engraved dragon medallion from the supreme ruler of a kingdom?

This meant Jiang Chen could freely enter and exit the palace.

If this kid really did cure the princess, then he would be the king’s favorite and harbinger of fortune. He would enjoy the king’s love and goodwill. Who in the kingdom wouldn’t treat him with all due respect then?

Jiang Chen merely went along with the situation and the assembled crowd’s expectations when he genuflected and accepted the engraved dragon medallion. To be honest, as the venerated son of the Celestial Emperor in his past life, he really could not bring himself to bend his knee to a common king.

He naturally would not decline something that waived the need to kowtow to a king.

And of course, one had to make some sort of statement when one had accepted such a gift. He slapped his chest and proclaimed, “Your Majesty, your humble subject does not make empty boasts. I will say only this, if any accident befalls her Highness due to my incompetency in curing her, then your humble subject will join the princess in death.”

There existed many beautiful words and sentences to express loyalty, but none were more straightforward than that sentence. Can’t cure her? Then I’ll die with her!

This was a grand gesture that involved the lives of one’s own family!

Out of all the nobles under heaven, who would have this kind of spirit; this amount of loyalty?

In that moment, even Jiang Chen was almost moved by his mesmerizing performance.

A performance that could touch even the performer’s heart naturally conquered others.

The nobles and high ranking officials who had accompanied Eastern Lu were also secretly surprised. Who would have thought the heir of Jiang Han would have such spirit. Like father, like son. A tiger father would not beget a dog son.

Even the crowd with the duke of Tianshui felt that, if their positions were reversed, they would not have this strength of character.

Jiang Chen’s performance was not yet over. He continued, “Your Majesty, the gods have further guidance. The events of today must remain a secret, with not a single word leaking out. This is to firstly avoid dishonoring the gods, and secondly to preserve your Majesty’s reputation.”

If word got out, the comical events of tonight might actually harm Eastern Lu’s reputation. After all, watching his duke slap himself was not exactly a dignified thing to witness.

And of course, the most important thing was to avoid dishonoring the gods. If someone leaked the secret and angered the gods, who in turn blamed it on Eastern Zhiruo, then the situation would be very grave indeed.

Eastern Lu commanded without hesitation, “Not a single word regarding the events of today shall be discussed after leaving this room. Whoever does so defies the Eastern royal family!” It was a good thing not that many people were present. Excluding those associated with the duke of Jiang Han, those who had accompanied the king numbered only six or seven.

They were all crafty foxes in politics and knew that the king was deadly serious. If even a hint of this matter got out, then all of their lives would be at stake.

And not to mention that their performance today wasn’t exactly the most ideal; their reputations would suffer along with the king’s if any gossip circulated.

Jiang Chen scaring the nobles silly in the name of the gods, like a fox borrowing a tiger’s fierceness, primarily had to do with his desire to stay under the radar.

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