Chapter 8: Shocking the Hall of Healing

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One had to say, the engraved dragon medallion held quite a bit of influence. Whether it was the Hall of Healing’s third hallmaster, or its elders, none of them dared to slight a holder of the dragon medallion.

It wasn’t that they didn’t dare to insult such a character; it was more that they didn’t wish to.

Jiang Zheng was swiftly invited inside. Apart from the third hallmaster, there was a male and a female elder present as well, fully demonstrating the depths of the Hall’s sincerity.

It wasn’t the first time that Jiang Zheng had come to the Hall of Healing. The highest ranked person he’d seen before was an administrator, and that was only in passing. He hadn’t even had the opportunity to start a conversation.

But, today, a hallmaster and two elders were standing in front of him and treating him as an honored guest.

Wasn’t this a drastic change in fortunes?

Jiang Zheng felt really damn good inside, but didn’t let it go to his head. He resolutely told himself to calm down and to avoid showing fear. He knew that these folks were not giving him face, but the medallion instead.

Since he had the medallion up his sleeve, what did he have to fear?

One had to give it to him, Jiang Zheng was something else alright. The three hallmaster still couldn’t get a read on him after three rounds of tea. He chuckled and said, “This noble sir carries a medallion granted by the king himself. Sir must be an uncommon individual. May we glean a bit of your purpose here today?”

Granted by the king himself? Jiang Zheng almost flung the teacup from his hand in fright.

When Jiang Chen had given him this medallion, he’d only said that it would be useful, but hadn’t breathed a hint that it had been bestowed by the king himself. He finally understood why the Hall of Healing was being so polite.

“To be honest, it wasn’t any major thing. I had come to obtain some medicine ingredients, and to discuss a bit of business with your Hall.”

Buying medicine ingredients was a small thing in the eyes of the hallmaster and elders, something they wouldn’t inquire further about. They were much more interested in that ‘spot of business.’

“May we know what business this might be?” The hallmaster inquired noncommittally. He wouldn’t rashly agree to something before gaining a full understanding of this stranger’s background. “I have a pill recipe here, one that has been lost since ancient times.” Jiang Zheng didn’t bother with small talk and cut straight to the chase. “I won’t sell this recipe, only share the profits. 50/50: you’re in charge of the medicine ingredients, I’ll just hold ownership.”

Holding ownership and asking for a 50/50 split, this was asking for a lot.

Even if it was an exclusive pill recipe, it wasn’t as if the Hall of Healing had never seen it before. This fellow was really demanding far too much. A 50/50 split, this was sheer robbery!

“Heh, the Hall has seen our share of pill recipe trade before. We’ve always bought out the previous owner, and have no precedent for sharing profits. And not to mention the fact that we bear the costs. This 50/50 split is… it really is… Let’s put it this way: May I take a look at the recipe first?”

The third hallmaster didn’t shut down negotiations, but it was obvious that he wasn’t too enthused. As for perusing the recipe, he did so out of a sense of professional courtesy.

“You can took a look alright, I’m just afraid you won’t be able to understand it. Ah whatever, you can have a look. I have the refining method anyway, and I’ve left out some of the most important ingredients. Feel free to go through it, but don’t even think about stealing it.”

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