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ShadowClan is a group of cats that live in the marshlands and pines of the forest. Their founding leader, Shadowstar, as the first ever leader prior to the group being named, so by extension the prefix "Shadow", so the extension of the name was thought to be given to the Clan.

They have always seemed to be the "darker" Clan, with fierce, more disagreeable warriors. This dark reputation has been earned over the years by an unfortunate run of corrupted leaders, twisted minds, and bitter plots. They are proud, loyal, defensive, and slightly arrogant; often seem to be misunderstood and portrayed by the other Clans as battle-hungry, aggressive, ambitious, and greedy for more territory.

It was often said when the Clans were in the forest, that the cold north wind of the mountains chilled the ShadowClan warriors' hearts. However, as Rock states in Cats of the Clans, ShadowClan have the smallest amount of territory and prey, which may justify their readiness to add anything to the fresh-kill pile.

Even though their fierce warriors and hostile leaders earned ShadowClan its reputation, the leader Dawnstar led Firestar to believe ShadowClan were not always as unfair and cruel as they seem now. Their main prey are reptiles and amphibians, such as lizards and frogs. A secret food source is the carrionplace, though they are careful not to eat crow-food. ShadowClan cats hunt best at night, and are better than others at sneaking through undergrowth.

Forest Territory:

The ShadowClan Forest Camp is in a hollow with muddy ground surrounded by brambles. The entrance is through a thorn tunnel. A smooth boulder, known as the Clanrock, is at the edge of the clearing and is used by the leader to call meetings.

•The nursery is in a hollow, shielded by a thorn bush.

•The warriors' den is under a large bramble bush.

•The medicine cat's den is in a cave under two boulders (one being the Clanrock) and is surrounded by ferns.

•The leader's den is beneath the roots of a big oak tree.

ShadowClan claims the northeastern part of the region, their territory consisting of marshy and damp ground with few trees. It is bordered by a Thunderpath to the south that has a tunnel underneath that permits crossing into ThunderClan grounds.

Landmarks in the ShadowClan territory:

•South of the camp is the Burnt Sycamore, an ancient tree that was burnt by lightning long ago. ShadowClan apprentices learn their night hunting and quiet stalking at this tree.

•West of the camp is Carrionplace, a Twoleg dump called the North Allerton Amenity Tip, home to disease and rats. It provides ShadowClan with food during leaf-bare.

•Southwest of the camp are two Twoleg tunnels that cross under the Thunderpath. One leads to Fourtrees; farther to the west, the second leads into WindClan territory.


The Lake Territory:

The ShadowClan Lake Camp is concealed between tangles of brambles and low-hanging branches, and is a dip beneath the pine trees. The entrance is through a thorn tunnel. The leader makes their announcements from a branch hanging over their den.

•All dens are under bramble thickets.

•The medicine den has a sandy, hollowed-out floor covered in dried pine needles.

•A hazel branch overhangs the camp.

ShadowClan claims the northwestern part; their territory is mostly coniferous forest with not much undergrowth and damp ground. The ShadowClan camp is in a dip surrounded by brambles.

Landmarks in the ShadowClan territory:

•A Twoleg Nest (Sanctuary Cottage) is where two aggressive kittypets live.

•Twoleg paths where Twolegs roam during greenleaf.

•Greenleaf Twolegplaces (Campsites), both on the ThunderClan and RiverClan borders.

Clan Characteristics:

•ShadowClan cats are ambitous, cunning, and clever.

•ShadowClan cats are stealthy.

•ShadowClan cats are proud.

•ShadowClan cats can hunt in the dark better then the other Clans.

•ShadowClan cats are thought to be the strongest, and best fighters in all of the Clans.

•ShadowClan cats are resourceful.

Clan Sterotypes:

•ShadowClan are thought to be cruel and cold. In the forest territories, it was rumoured that the winds from the north chilled their hearts.

•ShadowClan cats are thought to be just plain evil and blood thirsty.

•ShadowClan cats are thought to be arrogant and battle hungry.

•ShadowClan cats are thought to be sly.


ShadowClan cats hunt in marshes and pine forests. They are the only Clan brave enough to eat strange prey such as frogs, lizards, and rats. However, they do eat other, more common prey such as mice. ShadowClan is also the best Clan at hunting in the dark. Back in the forest territory, when prey was running low, ShadowClan would raid the carrionplace and hunt for rats.


Current Allegiances:

Leader: Rowanstar-ginger tom

Deputy: Tigerheart-dark brown tabby tom

Medicine Cat: Puddleshine-brown tom with white splotches


Tawnypelt-tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes

Stonewing-white tom

Spikefur-dark brown tom with tufty fur on his head

Scorchfur-dark grey tom with slashed ears, one of which is torn

Berryheart-black and white she-cat

Cloverfoot-grey tabby she-cat

Rippletail-white tom

Grassheart-pale brown tabby she-cat

Sparrowtail-large brown tabby tom

Mistcloud-spiky-furred, pale grey she-cat

Strikestone-brown tabby tom with a white belly, white paws, and amber eyes

Juniperclaw-small black tom

Yarrowleaf-ginger she-cat with yellow eyes

Lioneye-yellow she-cat with amber eyes

Birchbark-beige tom

Slatefur-sleek grey tom


Violetpaw-black and white she-cat with amber eyes

Flowerpaw-silver she-cat

Snakepaw-honey coloured tabbby she-cat

Whorlpaw-grey and white tom


Snowbird-pure white she-cat with green eyes, mother to Conekit (grey and white tom), Gullkit (white she-kit), and Frondkit (grey tabby she-cat)


Oakfur-small brown tom

Ratscar-brown tom with long scar across his back

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