Six-59 Days

13 3 1

I love his comfort. I love the warmth of his strong body enveloping me. I'm still sniffling and he's still holding me, but I realize that I can't let this happen. The last thing I want to do is hurt him, and if I let him us get too close and, assuming he even does want to be more than friends, hurting him will literally be the last thing I'll do.

I can't let this stranger love me.

"You okay?" Max asks me. His blue eyes pierce into mine, and I find it hard to look away. I look down, nodding slightly. He lets go of me, scooting away as he turns to the table and pretends that his tea is the most interesting thing he's ever seen. I need to get out.

"I need to go to the bathroom," I tell him, and he gets up, moving to the other side of the table.

I leave the booth and act as if my destination is the bathroom. But it's not. I take a few steps towards the ladies' room, but at the last second, I turn and make a break for the door. I hear the stranger call my name, but I don't react. I don't think, and I don't feel.

Pushing open the door, I dash outside and the autumn air rushes into my lungs. I hear the glass door close, but immediately then open again. Tears come to my eyes, but I wipe them away as I begin to walk away from the restaurant. I feel terrible for this. Eventually he must realize what I'm doing and make a move to stop me, because I can hear my name being called out. But I won't stop. I begin to jog as I hear it drawing closer. Then I sprint.

His deep voice echoes my name as I fall away from him. The last person I want to shy away from, and the last person I will. I feel a cinching tightness in my chest, and my lungs begin to throb as I struggle to breathe under the weight of my problem. I'm still running when my eyelids begin to pull themselves shut, and I lose control of my legs, tripping over myself. I barely see the concrete sidewalk closing in on me before I fall unconscious.

Son of a bitch.

I know that it seems like Anna did something stupid and random when she ran, but that's the point. I'm trying to convey the confusion and desperation cancer victims often feel.

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