Cold Surroundings

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These cold surroundings seep into my heart

Other's problems beginning to tear me apart

Why do I care what other people think?

Thoughts stain my brain and my soul like dark ink

Words slam in my mind, resonate, and rebound,

There's a part of my conscience that screams out without sound

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will kill my soul

Make a fist, you'll break my wrist, my thoughts as black as coal

I can't think through the screams in my head

Is it me, or did the sky just turn red?

The world spins on place like a merry-go-round

I see darkness and light go around and around

Because of the words that echo in my brain,

I'm put through a lot of this tension and strain

I think you could help me, I hope and I pray,

Please if you hear me, convince me to stay.

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