Chapter Eleven

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I woke up to find Alex laying in bed with me naked.

I leaned down to her and kissed her and she woke up.

"Good morning beautiful" I say kissing her again.

"Good morning girlfriend."

I get up and walk over to my drawer and pick out a black and pink lacy bra with black and pink lace undies.

"You know if you are gonna dress like that there's no point on you putting them on because they are gonna end up coming right off." Alex says smirking at me.

"Not right now Ale, at night you can get it all you want. Now come on let's go shower."

"Fine but how about we wear pajamas today because if not I won't be able to keep my hands off that nice ass of yours." Alex says walking up to me and slapping my ass.

"God Alex control yourself. I know I'm sexy but still!"

"I didn't know I had a conceited girlfriend!"

"Oh baby there's a lot you don't know about me." I say putting on yesterdays shirt and undies and throwing Alex her undies and shirt and walk to the showers ahead of her giving her a nice view of the part of my ass that's hanging out my undies.

"Oh you are so cruel!" Alex says running up to me.

"Whatever, come on the faster we shower the faster you'll get to see me change." I say realizing the huge grin on her face.

She runs to the last shower and take off her clothes and turns on the water. I on the other hand, walk slowly watching my steps. When I approach the shower before her I get undressed and turn on the water.

-15 minutes later-

We are in our room fully dressed in our pajamas getting ready to walk over to the cafeteria to eat breakfast with Serena and Skylar.

When we get to the cafeteria we see Serena and Skylar talking to some girl with semi-long black hair and black eye liner. She's really pretty and skinny.

"Alex, Jenny, this is our nurse Domino." Serena says with a huge smile on her face and hugs us both.

"Nice to meet you." Alex and I say at the same time, realizing we said the same thing we laugh at each other.

"You guys too. Listen girls I got to get back to work so if you guys need me come to my room." Domino says waving bye at us.

Getting our food, we walk to our table and sit down.

"So guys....." Alex says. "There's something we need to tell you. "

"Your pregnant!" Serena yells.

"I knew it! I told you!" Skylar yells at Serena.

"No! I'm not pregnant you bitch!" Alex yells at her laughing.  "Maybe you should tell them."

I grab her hand and say, "We are going out."

"OH MY GOODNESS!" Serena yells.

"Oh my flippers!" Skylar says with wide eyes and jaw dropped so low I thought it was gonna touch the floor.

"Honey close your mouth you are gonna catch flies." I say.

"I wanna know everything! Everything that happened!" Serena says a little to excited.

"When we are done eating we can go to our room and tell you." Alex says beginning to eat coffee cake.

"ohhhhhh god!" I moan at my first bite of the coffee cake.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Only I'm allowed to make you moan!" Alex says angrily.

"I'm sor-" I begin to say when I'm cut off.

"Only you are aloud to make her moan?" both Serena and Skylar say repeating what Alex said only raising an eyebrow.

"Oh my flippers.... you guy's didn't did you...?" Skylar says.

Alex and I quickly finish our food and begin to get up and walk towards our room.

"No, no, no. You guy's are not getting out of this! Sit! Now!" Serena yells at us.

"Yes ma'am" Alex and I say sitting back down looking at the ground.

When Skylar and Serena finish eating we begin to walk to our room and get there in a minute or so.

"Okay so now spill, every dirty and romantic detail." Serena says sitting on Alex's bed with Skylar sitting next to her.

Alex and I sit on my bed where she leans all the way against the wall and me in betweem her legs and begin to tell them everything.

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