"Destroying" Dreams

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I look through the man's portfolio as he shifts in his seat across from me. I feel him watching my every move, so I make sure I flip the pages painfully slow. It's not like he can give me shit about it. He's the one applying for the job here.

As I finish looking through the dull photographs of trees and flowers and the ocean and all that other shit I've seen a million times already, I meet his gaze. "No." I say simply.

"Oh." I can read the disappointment in his eyes. "Okay, Mr. Ross. Thank you for your time." He says quickly as he takes back his portfolio and exits the room.

I watch as my secretary, Linda, lets in another man. He looks relatively young, with nearly cut black hair, large glasses that take up most of his face, and a polite smile showing off his white teeth. I snicker to myself. The young ones are so much more fun to watch as I destroy their dreams.

He confidently hands me his portfolio as he takes his seat in front of me, with that same goddamned smile on his face. I start flipping through his pictures of what looks like mountains until the kid speaks.

"I, uh, went to school for photography. Back in Kentucky. That's where I'm from."

"I'm sorry," I say as I look up at him. "But did I ask for your life story?"

He seems stunned by my rudeness. Everyone is at first. They get used to it after a while. "No." He replies timidly, losing the confidence he had earlier.

"Alright, then." I continue scanning his portfolio. All of a sudden something catches my eye. It's still the same damn mountain, but now there's a person in it. A naked man with his arms raised and his head tilted back, as if he's embracing the rough facades.

I feel myself blush ever so slightly. "You," I knit my eyebrows together. "Take nude portraits?"

The kid seems relieved by my interest in his work. "Yeah, I mean. Sometimes. It gives something a little bit more to the picture, you know?"

I look back down at his photos and find more and more nude portraits, all of men, out in nature. Maybe it's a stroke of genius. Stroke of luck. But there's something here. Like his work actually speaks while everyone else's remains mute.

"What's your name?" I ask, closing the portfolio, my cheeks still tinted a light pink.

"Brendon. Urie. I mean, it's Brendon Urie." He stutters.

"And how old are you?"

"I turned 23 a few months ago."

"That's young."

"I know." He looks down at his hands.

"So why exactly are you interested in taking photos for my movie?"

"Well, um. You're you. Your movies are amazing. I want to help make another come to life."

I look at him questioningly, just to watch him squirm. "Linda," I say after a long, long pause. "Tell the others to go home. We've found our photographer."

"That's great, Mr. Ross! I'll go tell them." She responds as she hurries out of the office.

I look back at Brendon to see the surprise on his face.

"Why me?" He inquires.

"I want to see what more you can do. Maybe you'll catch some naked squirrels." I smirk mockingly as I get up to leave.

He looks offended by my answer. Like I care. I tell my security guy, Spencer, to go over all the rules and requirements with Brendon.

Let's see if this one can handle it.

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