Here Comes the Sun

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Brendon tells me that we need to go hunting now. I groan into his chest as I slowly get up. I've been doing the killing since he got the rabbit because I know he doesn't like to do it.

"Take your bag." He tells me. "We should probably start looking for civilization."

I grab my duffel bag with nothing in it except notes, food wrappers, and water bottles and haul it over my shoulder. Brendon leads the way to look for more rabbits.

"Look at the sunrise." He turns towards me and points ahead of him. I see a sky filled with pinks and oranges with wispy clouds.

"Here comes the sun." I say.

He grins at my Beatles reference and begins singing. "Little darling, it's been a long, cold, lonely winter."

I join in with, "Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here."

We're both smiling like dorks, and we sing the next line at the tops of our lungs. "Here comes the sun, do do do do. Here comes the sun, and I say, it's alright."

He takes my hand like it's a reflex, but I immediately pull back. He looks upset, like I offended him. I just – last night was a one-time thing. He could've been anyone. I could've cried into anyone's shoulder.

We continue to walk in silence. I think I see another rabbit, until I hear a low, low growl. Brendon stops immediately and I run right into him. He puts his finger up to his lips and pauses. Fear spreads through me. It's just like a movie as we slowly turn around and see a mountain lion about 20 feet from us. I freeze, and Brendon quickly grabs my hand as the lion sprints towards us.

"Holy shit!" I yell as we run as fast as our legs can take us. Adrenaline is pumping through my veins, propelling the both of us forward. I'm trying not to trip over rocks. Brendon tightens his grip on my hand as the lion roars again.

I look back at the lion, with its teeth barred and eyes staring into me, and suddenly I'm on the ground, my hand slipping from Brendon's grip. I hear Brendon scream as a sharp pain runs through my leg. Everything is white, and I'm dying, I swear I'm dying. I hear distant growls and screams. Brendon.

I try and get up. Brendon needs help. He needs help. I move my knee but a wave of white-hot pain shoots through me. I can feel my pant leg becoming soaked with blood. The earth begins to sway and everything is blurry.

Suddenly everything goes quiet. Fear pangs through me. He's dead. He's dead. I start to cry, but then I feel arms wrap around me and lift me up. I clutch to him with all the energy I have left. I watch Brendon's shoes as he walks away from the pool of blood and the large tan beast, lifeless on the ground.

And then it all goes black.


I wake up to see Brendon kneeling, cautiously watching me. He hurries over and starts asking questions a mile a minute.

"Do you feel okay? Are you lightheaded? Do you have a headache? How's your leg? Can you move it?"

I look around, disoriented. "Um. I dunno. Where are we?" My voice is scratchy and raw. How long was I out for?

"In another cave. I carried you here."

"How long – how long was I –"

"About a day. You scared the shit out of me, Ryan." His eyes fill with worry and concern.

"A day?!" I try sitting up but a sharp pain runs through my leg. I then notice it's been bandaged up.

Brendon seems to read my mind and says, "I had to cut up parts of your duffel bag. It was a pretty deep cut. I don't think you'll be walking for a few days."

"No. No no no we have to get out of here!" I cover my face with my hands.

"We can't go anywhere until your leg is at least somewhat healed up. I found a first aid kit in your bag. You're lucky you weren't awake when I put the rubbing alcohol in. That hurts like a bitch. I covered it the best I could with the band aids and put the fabric on top to prevent infection."

"How do you know how to do all this stuff?" I question.

"I had to take care of my sister when my parents were on business trips. She's clumsy."

I nod my head. "Ryan." He takes my hand and this time I don't object. "Please promise me you won't go anywhere? I'm gonna go find food."

"It's not like I can, right?"

He smiles a little and walks out of the cave.

I miss his presence already.


Brendon comes back about an hour later, rabbit in hand. "Hey there, asshole."

"Hey." I respond. He goes over to the pile of sticks outside the cave that he must've already collected and lights it with the cigarette lighter I had found lodged in a pocket in my bag a few days back.

I watch as he clumsily skins the rabbit, his hands shaking. From the cold or the rabbit?

He cooks it, and then he helps me sit up against the cave wall so I can eat. It's bland, but it's food.

He still watches me with concern as I eat the rabbit. "Can you not look at me like I'm an injured puppy?" I say with a twinge of annoyance.

"You basically are, though. Except puppies are a lot cuter."

"Gee, thanks." This makes him smile. "But really Brendon. You don't have to act like I'm going to die. I still need those pictures of naked squirrels."

He grins a little, but his expression quickly falls. He looks back up at me and I see tears in his eyes. "But what if you do?"

He rushes over to me and envelops me in a hug, filled with so much care and fear and – and. And love.

I hug him back tightly and he whispers in my ear, voice wavering, "I don't know what'll happen. Out here, an infection can be fatal, and I –" He starts sobbing into my neck.

I run my hand through his hair gently. "Hey. Shh. Brendon. Look at me." He moves so his eyes meet mine. "I'm staying. I won't leave you. I promise." I hesitantly wipe away the tears on his face. He smiles a little and he's placed a soft kiss on my forehead before I can object.

"Get some rest." He tells me softly. "Your leg needs it."

"Okay." I respond, barely audible, and lay down on the soft sand. I feel him lie next to me, and I fall asleep to his thumb tracing patterns on my hand.

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