The Circle

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I am a part of a circle of life

I'm aware of that, you know.

We're born --

We live --

And then we die.

That's just how life goes.

But what are we to do in between?

We never really know when our time is near.

Even if there was a way

I still wouldn't want to know.

Is is possible that my time is now?

What have I done to deserve this?

I was born --

And I've lived --

But I'm not ready to die...

I have more that I need to do.

I was put on this Earth for a reason.

That reason --

Well --

I'm not really sure what that is.

I'm still trying to find it.

I'm trying to find my purpose in life.

How can I do that when the seconds are quickly ticking away?

How can I find out my purpose in this great circle of life --

If I'm not given a chance to take advantage of the time I have?

I know that I'm not immortal.

I'm aware, I know.

But all I need is one more chance.

One more chance --

To find out why I've been given the priceless gift of life.

We never really understand why we are put here on Earth.

We go through life wondering --


What am I supposed to do here?

How can I make an impact and leave my mark?

I don't feel like I've left my mark.

I didn't take advantage of the chances that were given to me.

Please --


Don't give up on me now.

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