Awe ♡

7 0 2

Omg I feel so loved .

This boy he hugged me so tight that I couldn't breathe and he's liek "Happy Birthday "

Omg. And it's funny how the boys call him gay but he's not . He's the sweetest boy ever . Aww but the way he hugged me tho . He's so cuddly. Why can't I stay in his arms forever?!! . He gives the best hugs . Aww aww. I still can't get over it . He was the highlight of my day .

He's actually the only boy who is not perverted and who I can really trust . Watch when he gets older all the girls are gonna be all over him . He's so awesome tho . I love him so much .

X x

Ps . Song on the side . :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2014 ⏰

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