Chapter 5 - Jasmine.

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That same night, Josey rang me. His parents were willing to take me on. Both mine and Evie's jaw dropped in disbelief - I couldn't believe it. How quick. They'd taken away so much pressure, if only I hadn't of procrastinated and overwhelmed myself then things wouldn't have been even half as bad.
"We won't even have to do an assessment because they're a stable family, both working, a good support network. You really couldn't be going into a better family." Evie smiled, "I'm so happy for you."
"Thankyou so much, if it wasn't for your support through this I genuinely would've given up. From the first day I met you, I knew you were different. Please don't lose contact with me though."
"Are you silly?" She laughed, "I'm here any time, and you got through this not because of me but because you're strong. Don't let anyone tell you different." She smiled, "you're going to live with your bestfriend and his family, you've got a big day ahead of you. Now go get some sleep, otherwise you'll sleep through your alarm!"

Pfft. Who are you kidding?
I awoke to that dreadful sound of my alarm, I swear that fucker never shuts up. My eyes glanced across the room that had been mine the entirety of my life, all my belongings packed in bags, my new beginning starts now.
I switched on my phone to discover Josey had text me. "We're coming to pick you up at 10, I can't wait to see you x"
I heard the beeping of the car and instantly knew he was here, me and Evie took my bags out to the front drive, and there they were. My savours.
Josey's mum and dad both got out of the car, along with Josey.
"Come here you sausage." Exclaimed Josey, pulling me in for a long cuddle. I felt the tears roll down my cheeks. I turned to my new parents, "thankyou so much, for everything."
"Hi darling, you're very welcome." Said Josey's mum, "I'm Skye and this Brooke." She pointed to the tall, brown eyed replica of Josey, his dad of course. "You look so much different to what your mum did at your age."
I looked into her piercing blue eyes. "You knew my mum? When she was younger?"
"Yes dear, she was one of my bestfriends. Come on then, let's get going." She took me to one side and whispered in my ear, "by the way, Jazz is in the car, she wanted to come along. The only one who likes her here is Josey."

I opened the car door to see an unfamiliar face, she sat in the back with her legs sprawled on each seat. "You must be Hannah." She didn't even look at my face, her eyes glanced up and down and I could see her lips curl up in disgust. "So, you're off to live with J yes?" She stated, bluntly.
"Yes I am thankyou, and who are you?"
She cackled and for the first time, she looked into my eyes. She had dark green eyes, and they were full with hatred. "I'm Josey's girlfriend, bestfriend and soulmate" she said with a sense of importance.
"Well, hahah, I'm his closest and bestest friend."
She was quick to reply, and shot back with, "I'm Josey's ONLY best friend. He won't choose you over me."
"Oh jasmine shut up." Exclaimed Josey, staring at me, in which gave me a little more confidence.
I burst out laughing, "okay chick, there's no need to get butthurt just because your boyfriend as other friends. You're not that special, act your age, not your shoe size."
Skye glanced at me from the front seat and winked at me.
For the rest of the car journey, Jasmine didn't say a word.
Not one word.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2017 ⏰

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