Chapter 4

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"The biggest challenge of life is to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else."- Unknown


"Is the cargo coming in soon?" Caesar ask after taking a long swig of his Cuban cigar.

I smile and take a sip of my whiskey, "Domani sera arriverà." I reply in Italian stating that the cargo will arrive tomorrow evening.

Juno, Caesar's nephew, sighs beside me. "Teresa, I don't understand why you still work alone. You do know Joaquin asked us to watch after you, cuz."

Caesar grunts and agrees with Juno. "Teresa, you know I care for you as if you where my own. I think you should let Juno help you out a little. You can't work without help, that's what 'The Family' is for. Just before you came back, you were nearly killed after that bloodbath in Canada."

I scowl at the deck of cards in my hand before folding. "Tio, entiendo pero Joaquin, left the empire to me because he trusts  that I can do it. Everything is working well. Plus, Saiko is tracking the Irish. So far they have made it towards the Alaskan border but I have it under control." I respond in Spanish first, I always tend to switch language around.

"Via bene, ma io sono qui se avete bisogno di me. I'll always help you. Now let's start over because I know Juno here is cheating." Caesar grumbles smacking Juno on the head before shuffling the cards.

We spent the rest of the evening playing cards then spending time with Caesar's family and enjoy his wife, Elena, cooking. Every time I visit, she complains over how I'm too skinny and not eating enough. Which leads to Elena cooking up a whole feast with her trying to fatten me up.

Of course I don't complain because one can never argue with Elena. But also, because she makes me feel like family even if we are not really blood related.

"Ehi, zia?" I look up from my large heaping plate of food and smile at her.


"Thanks...for everything."

Elena smiles back and gestures, "Naturalmente, your the only one who actually visits me even if I don't have to beg for a visit."


Caesar and Juno sit beside me facing the elite group across us. The loud pounding music of the club surround the room. There are crowds of people below pulsing to the beat of the music, dressed in the nights theme colors, everything gold.

My group stands around me, sizing up the opposite group, ready for an attack.

Piero Rossi, mob boss, spoke first breaking the silence. "Teresa, what a beautiful young lady you have become. I remember when you were a young bambina. You remind me so much of Joaquin, you must miss him so. Sadly, he is dead."

My eyes narrowed and shot a deadly glare towards Piero. If looks could kill he would be dead on the floor with his throat slit open. Juno places a hand on my knee reminding me not to cause trouble.

This meeting is to discuss a drug deal but at this rate, that deal is disintegrating more and more. I cross my leg allowing my dress to ride up my thigh dangerously and flash the gun holster that is strapped to my thigh.

Piero tilts his head and smirks. He gives a little nod and sips his drink. "You have changed. Before you couldn't even kill a fly, let alone a human. Now look at you, 'Teresa Guatez, ruthless killing machine and Mafia boss'. Hm, I like it."

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